I am a clicker!

I click mostly everything too


You aren’t supposed to realize that. :joy::wink:

Hey, google, pop my cooldown

“These are the lyrics to Funky Town”

Our MT is a clicker and multiple CE raider so nothing wrong with it


i clicked. until M’uru. then clicking just wasn’t enough.

so I … stopped clicking.

You can get by with clicking in most if not all PvE Content. MMORPGs just aren’t twitch reaction games outside of PvP (and most big modern MMOs are not PvP-centric).

As long as you understand that it’s not the most efficient way to play, that’s fine. If you’re too used to it and aren’t really having issues because of it and don’t want the temporary setback that comes with switching from clicking to keybinding, I get it.

But I will take issue with it if you’re trying to claim there is no downside to clicking vs keybinding. Because that’s blatantly false.

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My take on this – if you are having fun…you are meeting the goal of playing a game.

I was a clicker for years, but found my fun actually improved with keybinds and then when I got an MMO mouse it got even better. I’ve now been using an MMO Mouse for about 10 years and I feel weird playing any mmorpg without one now.


you need a good flatclicker to hit next level gameplay. Only true elites will even know what a flatclicker is.

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Is this a Bored reference?

its like a 2d plane that glows

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I mean theres a high end raider/m+er that clicks runs 25+ keys. So obviously there isnt an issue in response to situations


That’s just it, though, WoW isn’t really a game about reflexes. Usually you’re sitting there waiting for something to happen with a plan as to how you’re going to deal with it. If you’re caught by surprise and can’t respond immediately then that’s usually a lack of planning.

You can get ce, gladiator, and/or do high keys with pretty sluggish reaction times.

I’m not a fan of clicking abilities, especially core/rotational ones, though.

The one button cast sequence macro makes clickering easy. Throw in reset on new target and snooze mode engaged.

I often find myself click-targeting because tab-targeting is unreliable.

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Anyone wanna step to the challenge?

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Honestly same aha at the very start.

I’m mainly approaching it from the angle of someone who mainly pugs, to where its very volatile and unpredictable and I have literal split second reactions I have to do to keep someone alive when they get hit by stupid. I know it can be done at a high level, and props to the ones that can do it, yet at times it simply will fall short.

I was a clicker until I played StarCraft 2. Then I switched to something in between. lol

Clicking is too strenuous. Keybinds are just mentally and physically easier. Idk why anyone would click.

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