I am 365 ilvl already

Conquest cap reset with the purchase of every piece. I bought full set besides relic. Is this going to get fixed or am I going to be able to keep my insane advantage in the arena. I love doing 40% more damage then everyone else.


i wont be surprised if it stays
but i dont have plans on playing the game if they dont fix it
i love that you came mock their incompetence tho


Doubt it’ll be fixed, blizz is too busy adding in store mounts for whales.


What do you expect as a fix?

I feel like they should have just left it, and they could make the changes for next season. Otherwise, they should revert whatever additional gear was given out. And either way, they shouldn’t have removed the vendors prior to having a fix.

an entire ladder reset, anything other than that is already corrupted


I mean, it’s pretty much either that or just put the vendors back without conq cap for this season.



true, but that kills it for me

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It’d be the easiest “fix” I think.

laziest for sure

Idk, ban anyone that spent more than 4k conq?


yea exploit is against ToS and the entire definition of exploiting is abusing a bug that you are aware is a bug


To note I am the blood dk tank in my heroic progression guild. I will be using 4 set pvp gear and reforging to mastery since this PVP gear is broken compared to prebis prior.


why is it those peoples fault for blizz having a broken 10+ year old game

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well if you take tos into consideration they mention that if you are aware of a bug and still abuse it, its a bannable offense, i wouldnt sweat on it tho
would rather have the ladder reset
and i love the mockery that griff is doing, he is basically coming here and spitting in their faces


Honestly think you might be safe from losing the gear, but using for heroic prog week one is 100% a lil risky

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did they say it was a bug? no they say nothing about anything

well, judging by how it always worked and the way its working now its an obvious bug
you can play dumb but i know you arent


Buddy, they removed the vendors so people can’t spend the bugged conquest lol. It’s obviously a bug


Blizzard never takes accountability for their mishaps. Usually a ghost fix and no notifications and no rollback.

Edit: and never any sort of communication which you think would be huge for a game with such a large community/budget.


They fixed the 377 crafted gear last week so maybe