I absolutely LOVE melee SV. Two ranged is enough

This is not a troll thread. My SV Hunter is so much more fun and engaging to play than the other two Hunter specs. I wish Unholy DK had been designed with a similar pet play style.

Keep it up Blizzard! A few more tweaks and you’ve made the perfect Hunter spec :slight_smile:


I am happy for you that you like it. I personally do not. If they gave it full ranged ability, even if it wasn’t quite as strong as melee, and a little less BM-esque pet reliance, I would like it a lot more.

Having said that, the fact that they quite literally destroyed all 3 former hunter specs to make SV is a huge problem. Ranged hunter is all but dead in PvP, mostly because of their implementation of SV with the “specs” vs. “classes” design paradigm.

So I don’t begrudge a melee Hunter spec, I just think they should have implemented it very differently. I think they need to massively rework the whole thing, moving back towards the first decade of Hunters in order to fix this tragedy they created in their desire to create a melee Hunter spec.


Add a 4th spec so everyone is happy.
Removing ranged specs is bad for the game, but it’s too late to remove it because of people like OP, and i enjoy it as well, just add a 4th spec so people can stop fighting each other


SV is cross of melee specs rogue, UnH dk , dh with a little range hunter in it. I rather play those melee spec than SV.

I rather have another range option. Throwing bombs right in front of me and using a small cross bow in melee is strange.


Player of melee class demanding a melee option in another class, dismissing the ranged-preferring playerbase of that class. What else is new.


The Irony…


said the guy that just started playing hunters to the guys that have been playing hunters for years. Plenty of melee specs out thr and the people that love range bow specs go down from 3 to 2. Its not like we have 15+ melee specs available for people that enjoy melee or anything


Should have been a fourth spec, I feel blizz should’ve added 4th specs to classes instead of this AP/artifact grinds


What do you mean if you want to play a ranged hunter spec play bm it will work just fine lol. Mm is dead in the water but bm works fine might not be fun but it works.

Good to see you’re still just as jaded as ever lol…


He is fun to play but useless in PVP and raids the guy prolly means PVM or low level PVP.

I completely agree. SV is a monster in PvP ATM and a ton of fun to play.

Don’t let the haters discourage you, they are caught up on an extinct spec that was never great anyway.

And lol a fourth spec…keep dreaming.

Melee Hunter best Hunter!


I agree, OP.

Survival is a nice change of pace.


I played survial lock dot cleave in cata and it was great. Perhaps it was bad in pve but it was great in pvp.


Survival hunter is currently my favorite class/spec to play right now. I also enjoy ranged hunters as well but not as much.


if you’re wondering what class design hitting rock bottom looks like, this is it.


Said it many times before. This argument will never end as long as we keep the current specs without adding anything next to them.

If it wasn’t, so many wouldn’t keep asking for it’s return.

It’s your opinion ofc. Fair enough. But don’t dismiss requests from other players just because they don’t match your preferences.


The same handful of players whining and making multiple posts for ranged surv is silly at this point. Melee isn’t going away, and you’re not going to get a 4th spec while DH’s have two. You can rail all you want, but it isn’t happening.


Whats the basis for this statement?

The old ranged SV had a unique playstyle that could easily be made to provide the class with additional strengths that the other specs cannot.

Not to mention how well it fits the class fantasy.

DHs only have 2 specs. True.
But what spec/playstyle is that class currently missing?
What would fit that class fantasy while also providing it with additional strengths? As far as entirely new spec options go…


Now its great in both! You have the dot pressure of old SV with the burst of a Ret Paladin and the mobility of a Hunter! It’s a great spec.

Ranged SV was the least represented spec in the game in MoP, yet now there are magically 50,000,000 SV Hunter mains looking to get it back lol