Exactly, this. A couple of years ago they took away the ability to subscribe using Bnet balance - you could only buy game time. So I was buying it in 6-month increments because it’s a better deal. Now they took away that option too.
I’m assuming they’re banking on people forgetting about the sub and getting an extra charge, too.
Like, it’s really just pure malice at this point.
I’m probably going to permanently end my sub after this expansion if this is something they plan long term. I pay my sub on my own terms, at my own rate.
i agree. it’s blizzard’s fault that everyone here is so eager to jump on them that they can’t take 10 seconds to read a whole paragraph of text
It really seems blizzard isn’t making the game for the players any more, we are just money ants to them right now
There’s probably a lot of that (same reason why they stopped allowing subs with Bnet balance…they want your CC # on record). But I’m fairly certain that this is also largely designed to target those who buy their game time with gold. They took away the ability to get the multi-month discount unless you fork over real-life $$$.
So, does this mean you can’t buy a month of game time with one token anymore?
No, only the time card or pre-paid option is changing.
If you do a standard subscription(1 3 or 6/mo), nothing is changing.
You can cancel immediately after paying the 1/mo sub, you don’t have to wait.
You can still buy a token on the AH with gold and use it for 30days of game time.
Cool, so this changes nothing for most folks? Would be interested to know how many people buy game time without using a subscription or token…
No, you are still adding 30 days of game time when you redeem the token. It’s a straight-on exchange, not a “purchase” per se.
If you had the gold prior to this change you could convert tokens to b.net balance and then buy 3 or 6/mo blocks of time for a discount.
For people who only do one token at a time directly to 30 days, nothing is changing.
For people who have recurring subscriptions, nothing is changing.
A bad change that is bad for the consumer
But good for Blizz’s pocketbooks I am sure.
They have to use the subscription model rather than purchasing game cards/code for time. You can still sub month-to-month and cancel at any time.
The change affects people who can’t use the monthly sub option for whatever reason (no access to a credit card, etc.).
Now I feel incredibly stupid. I’m not a young kid. I have played this game since launch, And yes, only TODAY did I realize to think of cancelling immediately after subbing.
Like, yes. That is entirely on me and I admit my own stupidity here. But changes like the one Blizzard are doing are being done precisely to take advantage of idiots like myself.
Making this change is just malicious. It’s Avarice. It is not needed and only purpose is to take advantage of some people.
You can cancel immediately after paying the 1/mo sub, you don’t have to wait.
You can. Most of the people here do.
That doesn’t mean most people, in general, will.
That is the point. It’s a fairly common money-making tactic nowadays.
I think getting rid of game time was because the option to subscribe than cancel after a month is pretty much the same deal, so it just slimlines the options.
I’ll still do my typical, sub a month, token a month thing.
why are yall talking about subs isnt this about gametime bought from the shop outside of subs?
the one where its not recurring and not cancellable.
good luck cancelling your 60 days after 30 days when its bought from the shop and not as a sub
i hope this costs them a lot of money.
Blizzard has removed the option to buy 1 month $15 subs
No … they have not. They have removed the 1 time purchase of 30 days of game time. Stop spreading misinformation.
you should learn what a fallacy is and where it applies, amigo. because i’m not using it as an argument.
but hey, if you want to act like companies slowly introducing concepts to people over time is somehow a “fallacy”, go ahead. it’s your wallet, not mine.