I’ve only ever purchased 30 day subs. This is a bad change

Blizzard has removed the option to buy 1 month $15 subs and now 2 month $30 subs are the only option.

This is just a bad change. Why not add the 60 day option to all the others so people can choose what works best for them?

It’s clear that the game is losing a ton of subs fast and they are getting desperate with no new content in the pipeline for months.

EDIT: I jumped the gun a bit here. It is currently only for the purchased game time cards. If you purchase subs through the online store with a credit card it is not changing…for now.

I still don’t like this because I think it will eventually change on the online store as well in order to maximize revenue and stop subs from falling off a cliff after patch / expansion releases.


Make no mistake, this decision is one influenced by greed.

The sub numbers are dropping, they have to milk this for money the best way they can. It’s no coincidence that these mount bundles started popping up in in BFA.


Anyone who understands the time value of money realizes why Blizzard does this. They can also release a subpar patch and scam people out of an additional month this way.


So, my sub will renew for 2 months at a time now? This seems incredibly off.


tbc classic drops soon-ish
all the bots will be buying 60day game time and 58 boosts
Blizz knows what’s up


Someone’s reading comprehension is bad.

Subscriptions are not affected. Buying game time is. Those are not the same thing.


If they ruin TBC with MTX I’ll scream.

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its already happened my dude
58 boost / one per account
and they just doubled the price for making an account


It might not be all bad (yes it is but hear me out first). Considering it takes something like 6 weeks for new raid tiers to open up completely, what I see going forward is no change as people purchase 2 months game time and then quit until next tier.

I kind of wonder how this will affect the 180 day purchasers. No more discount might mean less sub-time purchases by the same people in the span of 6 months.

It’s obviously short-term greed, but why aren’t they thinking long run?


This is the exact problem.

No, as I understand it, only game time (not sub) bought is effected.

Good grief, I didn’t know they had done that! That’s so…slimy. What about people who can only afford the month to month? Especially during this current economic crisis?

Cold. Just plain cold. I honestly never thought they’d sink this low.


Oh man when did this happen? I didn’t even realize.

They only changed the pre-paid game time option.

Subscriptions are the same as always.


Blizzard is changing time cards, not subs.


This is the main problem with the change. It seems that very few people even understand what changed, and are just assuming it’s impossible to get 30 days of game time now.

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Its a bad move on blizzards part.

I wont pay that much at one time for two accounts, and I’m not willing to sub until Blizzard actually gives me a good reason to.

Not only that I have friends who due to their particular situations cannot do a sub and could only afford the 30 day game time. They will no longer be able to play wow.

This was a bad move. Blizzard needs to reverse course.

What was even the point of changing the payment model to force people to buy for two months instead of one?


WoW forum posters tend to read the title and skip the post. That’s why we get this silly reees.


How many times are you going to copy and paste the same message? You can still get 30 days of game time. Log in, sub for 30 days, and immediately cancel the recurring subscription. You’ll have your 30 days of game time and no recurring sub.

Maybe I don’t understand what’s happening here. There are no more 1 month subs? You have to pay for 2 at a time? I wonder what brought that on.