I’ve got $17 on a gift card

I prefer Publix subs

I know not everyone has a Publix

I think about them when I’m eating my Publix sub and pasta salad

Youve never had a proper bird… shame. If you dont wet or dry brine youre eating shredded wheat in bird flavor

i would go with crab legs.

Sirloin. Preheated oven at 450. Seared on both sides in a skillet for 30-60 seconds a side. In the oven for like 5 minutes.

Perfect medium rare

Air fryer, 9 mins 400degrees.
I just made one sunday

The joy is when you live some place with lots of like mom and pop delis that do sandwichees as well.


Willow you’re back. Are you going to start your herblore lessons again :3

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Maybe some sushi


That’s very much the goal - right now I’m having a lot of fun leveling up some new characters :3 Once my attention goes elsewhere it’ll probably be towards herb lore :3

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Nice. Why would you want to eat a crabs legs. With $17 you can buy yourself a nice potted plant and water it daily. Look at it, adore it. And smile! Instead of consuming something and pooping it the next day, ya’know?

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I can’t eat a potted plant darling, and I’m in that lovely economic class where I work too much to meal prep efficiently and the getting take out means not payiing my rent for the month. :3 Food is priority 1.

Besides, why would a buy a potted plant when I can regrow my food waste. Onion roots, potatoes, anything I’ve already bought I can turn innto more food.

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