I’ve got $17 on a gift card

That’s when they’re the best. Sour, buttery, spread’em on toast with carmelized onions

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Hmm, I always ate them in one bite with a shot and a beer back! :smiley:

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But that would imply willingly eating Turkey…


Bring gravy, lots of gravy! :turkey:


I am so sorry, and please do not take this personally,

but your breath on average must be so HARSH

:grimacing: :rofl:


Pickled eggs are awesome, I could get out of movie night with the ex if I ate enough and go play WoW! I’m not even kidding. :laughing:

I had an abundance of eggs, like mountains of the damned things as a noob chicken keeper, so I pickled them and I still give most of them away. I make spicy ones that are very popular, 2-3 of those suckers and you’ll clear out a stadium lol.

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Take leftover turkey and shred it. Mix with gravy and place in a large casserole dish. Add leftover veggies, like green beans or corn. Finally cover with leftover mash potatoes and sprinkle the top with cheese. Bake at 350 until bubbly (around 30 minutes), and enjoy!

Thanksgiving turkey shepherd’s pie leftover style. :man_cook:


See, you might be right,
But my girlfriend loves pickles and garlic so we’re kinda in the same boat. :3


I would buy takoyaki and sushi! :smiley: Go with your first crave! :smiley:


I like salt and vinegar potato chips, so I know what you’re talking about.

Edit: I bought a bag just yesterday haha!


Aw, stank breath soulmates <3


I’d recommend wild Mike’s pizza brand of pizzas! it’s a frozen pizza but it’s larger than the usual digiornos or red baron and it tastes really good. it comes with a packet of red pepper flakes and spicy Italian seasoning.

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If you really want to make that $17 stretch a bit, you can buy 2 pounds of ground beef and a pack of hamburger buns to make 8 meals. You should have enough left over to get a bag of frozen fries to go along with it as well. That’s 3-4 days on the cheap, and far better tasting than fast food in my opinion.



Ended up gettin some smoked oysters and some supplies for the week - made the smart decision and tried to prepare long term instead of spending it all in one place.

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YOu want luxury? Buy a steak and bacon sandwich from subway, make it a meal with a sandwich, soda, and a raspberry cheesecake cookie. Should be about $17. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Gritty weeps for those lacking in proper delis


Gritty…listen sometimes people just have to make do. As sad as it is, wouldn’t it be so much worse for those lacking proper delis if they lacked delis at all? Subway is a bandaid, oh ancient one, to appease the masses of their deli needs.

One day, they will know the gallery that is a well prepared deli - but that day will simply have to wait.

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I have lived in places where subway was the availability for sandwiches like that, and I express my sympathy for other people who don’t have access to other stuff.

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We had one of those here.

They sold out and now they taste worse than subway.
