I’m trying. I really am

Hello Monks,

This season I’ve decided to try out a Mistweaver Monk as I wanted something different from last season playing as Preservation and it’s been hit or miss for me on my experiences for M+.

I did a +6 Siege last night and it went by smoothly then jumped into a +6 Dawn and it’s an overall terrible experience. My item level right now is 593 maybe that’s what is holding me back.

I’’m wanting a mobile healer so I thought this would be perfect fit for me but it’s been 50/50 as of right now. I guess I am aiming for some positive reassurance lol.

What was bad for you tho ?

I really had issues on the first boss. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to stagger cleanse the dot that goes on or immediately dispel it.

People started dying pretty quick and I was trying to catch up then yeah that led to rage and people leaving soon after.

Kinda hard to tell what happened but there are only a few areas where things can go wrong:

I ramp hot’s a few seconds before Burning Shadows ( ren mist/chi harmony and blanket env mists ), dispel the debuff, and then spam vivifies/invigorating mists. That usually heals off near instantly. You also have sheilun’s and revival to help get it off quickly if you need to. Ideally you heal it off off asap - but you really want it healed off before 50% when you have to take off for the intermission, or people can die in the air. If we get close to the intermission and she does Burning Shadows I will pop Yu’Lon just before it happens and still ramp/vivify it off quickly.

If people weren’t doing the Collapsing Darkness properly and not moving out of it asap ( or using defensives ) it will hurt…alot. This is most likely where people could have been messing up, possibly even stacking too close when it drops or people were not baiting it properly.

When Obsidian beam is coming prep life cocoon on the tank because they get hit hard, if they are a good tank they should mostly be okay though. As long as people are putting the collapsing darkness in good spots this mechanic isn’t too bad healing wise. It is really bad when people put the collapsing darkness where the boss is though, because when she does her obsidian beam there is a good chance people will need to move through the bad while beam is happening.

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Also fun fact in DB: crackling jade lightning pulls adds (this is true in the mini boss that most folks go to second). Super fun.

Just my own opinion… it’s your item level. If I joined a +6 group with a sub 600 possibly a sub 610 ilvl healer. I’d leave.