You mean like they did when they made cds be up for every boss relatively nerfing classes that scale poorly with haste and cds like feral druid?
Their stated goal was to buff feral by 5-10% over bearweaving and it is an 8% buff. If you think 8% is too high that’s an arguement to make, but to continue to argue that they drastically underestimated how good this buff would be is just silly.
Ferals were the least played non-meme spec in Ulduar, in large part due to non-authentic balance changes they have already made.
It’s because they’re the jankiest dps spec in the game, and have been for years. I understand fixing the jank, I don’t understand buffing them significantly in doing so.
Actually it literally is a developer decision, given relatively even levels of game play from the players end result is entirely determined by the developers.
As a rogue you don’t think it would be a pretty big nerf to have Bloodlust for only 1/3 of the bosses in Ulduar?
Feral seemed to be pretty well represented in original Wrath and on the pservers. Imo the new feral is jankier than the old one, I guess post buff we will be able to see whether people didn’t play feral because it was underpowered or because it’s janky.
do you read logs? cause it feels like you do not, even after this full week ferals are being beaten by frost uh dk assass rogue fire mage and aff lock and its not like many other classes are that far behind
Okay, not “everything”, just ignis, XT, IC, Thorim, Freya and Algalon + a fifth place on Auriaya.
Still top 4, or top 3 actually, in most fights that doesn’t screw them over because of the nature of the fight.
This change tuned feral way too high for the amount of utility it brings and how much it will scale. The sims for ICC shows them above every other class by a pretty substantial margin.
Feral probably isn’t too strong in Ulduar, unless optimisation adds another few hundred dps (which it might). That being said Feral’s utility should see it a little behind Rogue.
However if you accept Feral being buffed so hard, what about all the classes they have now overtaken? Why should these classes accept being so much below the best specs when Feral just got heavy buffs to put them up there?
Secondly this change to effectively give Feral a lot more resources has (from what we can predict) made their scaling substantially too strong. Even if Blizzard is happy with where Feral is in Ulduar I think they will need to adjust this in future tiers.
For the record I would probably rather see no substantial class changes in terms of relative power. I don’t believe the Classic team has the resources to balance 10 classes or 30 specs. However if they are making these changes then every non S-tier class can reasonably ask for buffs imo.
I think if Blizzard is balancing classes then they should balance everyone. If they aren’t then they need to reduce Feral back to the damage it was doing. Either way Feral’s scaling will be out of hand and should be addressed.
Adding some kind of gameplay to force players out of bear weaving but without the “5-10%” damage increase would be fine with me as well.
The other thing that worries me is that Blizzard have taken months to do what seem like very quick changes to classes, if Blizzard is balancing and takes 2 months per spec we might get through ~5 before Wrath is over.