I’m sorry, but it’s time to nerf Feral Druids

I don’t want a buff. I play other classes. My concern is that you got over tuned to the point of changing the meta which is bad for the game - not the class I play.

Well thats great then. People still aren’t taking more than 1 feral in raids. The meta hasn’t changed. Rejoice and go somewhere else.

After 3 days lol, give it time dude.

I know why you’re arguing this though - everyone likes an edge and no-one likes to give it up when they have it.

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I just wonder why you’re okay with the meta of bringing 3 DK’s, 3 warlocks, and 3 rogues. But bring one druid and you lose your mind. LOL.

Because that’s how it panned out. What I am not okay with is Blizzard defining the meta mechanically by picking winners and losers.

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Well it also panned out that ferals aren’t where they were supposed to be, whether you agree with it or not. Now we are. The meta hasn’t changed. Whats insane that its still more likely for people to bring multiple warriors over a single feral. Your bias is so wrong that its clouding your common sense.

Are they really defining the meta though? I doubt every raid is going to have 5 ferals now after the change. It isn’t doing enough damage to make bringing other classes pointless or anything.

If you aren’t trying to mix in as many FB as possible, you can get more in now but the penalty for bad timing is the same.

According to who?

Neither were/are Ret and neither are Arms Warriors neither Fury Warriors nor are Marks Hunters- depending on who you listen to.

No-one is “supposed to be” top. That washes out the way it does as we play the game. Blizzard shouldn’t be chair lifting specs into spot to conform to their incorrect prior expectations.


According to players from original Wrath.

This is just false. There is always a class thats always on top. Ferals still aren’t top, and they didn’t change the meta.

9 out of 10 posters defending this buff are feral druids hahaha

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Imagine, a post about feral druids has feral druids in it. Thats insane.

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Yeah it’s crazy how feral druids are the only ones who think an enormous buff to their already-not-bad spec makes any sense.


Anyone who thinks ferals were a ‘not bad’ spec probably didn’t have much sense to begin with.


I literally looked at the logs on every boss right after this buff went live. Feral was mid pack or better on a majority of Ulduar encounters before the buff. It was easily better than buffed ret.

Key word is “supposed to be”. I didn’t say no-one is top I said no-one is by right supposed to be on top. It’s organic and washes out through game play - it’s not a developer or community decision.

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Ferals were below fury warriors lol. Surprising how many people with strong opinions have no idea how to read WCL.

On a few fights, yeah. On others, no. Feral was certainly better single-target.

Have you seen how good warlocks are doing on some(most) fights? What about rogues and DK’s? BETTER NERF’EM.

As I have stated repeatedly, I am against the class balance circus in Classic WoW. Feral should never have received such a ridiculous buff. Every underperformer has legitimate reason to whine now when a spec that was better than theirs gets buffed to the top randomly.