I’m out until dinars/bullions become a thing

What would you like me to add that I haven’t said already multiple times in countless other threads?

Yes, I agree with OP 2000%, the gearing is too slow/stupid/undeterministic/grindy. But as you can see, I already have clown trolls replying to me lmao, who are all on ignore by the way, but they just keep replying.


Funny how making up stuff works

Dear diary.

Wouldn’t mind that system. I don’t get the " we can’t just get bis after 8 weeks crowd"

Then again ive not played wow for the power progression in almost two decades

It didn’t have everything, it mostly had a few non bis items or bis items for low value slots like offhand weapons, wands, and cloaks.

Emblems of frost took 3 weeks per item for tier pieces.

Tier pieces from emblems of frost were normal ilvl, and still needed raid items to upgrade them.

Emblems of frost is, for the most part, just a worse version of the catalyst. All the previous badge vendor loot pools were far FAR from anything even resembling dinars.

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I mean that part of the game.

Spymasters may be your bis but it isn’t stopping you from doing anything else in the game.

You can get it at max level 1 or two ways. Raid mythic and be awarded it through. Your guild, or run 10s for your vault.

I have like 5 - 2700io toons all 632. And you know what has never happened…. A mage joins my group I inspect them then I kick them for not having spymasters.

This thread just turns into a thread about a child crying about not getting the piece of candy they want.

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Brother, my man… you are comparing your mortality for a video game. I just wanted to give you that gentle reminder. A season, one patch of the video game might I add.

Dinars/bullions are never going to be a thing. Blizzard has already stated this isn’t happening outside of the season 4 meme seasons.

You do realize that unless you have killed mythic silken court spymaster won’t even be on your loot table right?

Spymasters won’t drop from doing keys.

It also won’t drop on mythic unless you have killed mythic silken court on that character

Yo dawg post on your main.

Its not. Targeting “bis” mentality is to blame lol.
This is a player made issue.

Especially with something like the trinket they are complaining about. Its a high skill cap trinket that is not only situational, but requires patience and timing.

Don’t go for the insane bis when the dps increase is so minimal and ask for help instead of making qq threads.

And because I can’t be bothered to retype why this trinket isn’t a good choice, here you go.

I feel like this argument, and people like you aren’t seeing the big picture. Like zoom out for a second. The best analogy I can give you, is the carrot on a stick analogy I mentioned earlier in the thread. Blizzard is dangling the carrot. In the current system, WE DON’T EVEN KNOW IF THERE EVEN IS A CARROT. WE CAN’T SEE IT. We are expected to just keep blindly chomping at the air hoping that we get a carrot in our mouths. THIS IS THE ISSUE. If a concept or a design is too overwhelming for people to even START working toward it, and people give up (like me in this situation, and I’m not alone, whether you want to acknowledge it or not) this is the point I am trying to make. We are expected to spend our limited resource, our time on this earth, for a chance at something, and I’m opting out. The chance is too slim to warrant the time invested.

Sorry you are right.

My point was there are other trinkets that are decent

Sounds like you fixed your own problem.

No where are you promised for this item to drop and for you to get it. What you are promised is the ability to do the content with the chance you will get something from your time investment.

The argument of time investment is a dumb argument. You are playing a game which arguably is the biggest waste of time one can participate in.

You are essentially whining that you haven’t gotten something through your efforts.

The system isn’t broken it is design in such a way that it expects your to keep doing content until you get everything you want.

I had to run court of stars close to 150 times to get the helm and the sword… they were best in slot at the time. But you know what comical about it. Even once I got both there were no noticeable changes.

Your argument would be valid if this was the only trinket in game for mages. But it isn’t. Anyone can go to Murloc io and see what is the best trinket but there are people who use lesser favored trinkets and still do extremely well

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Just wait until you find out how we used to gear prior to m+ and vault.

Tbh you just seem insanely entitled. Don’t shoot for bis on paper when the functionality isn’t actually bis or the gain is so minimal its hardly noticeable overall.

One other thing that I would like to address, is that Max from Liquid, the number one most knowledgeable player of this game, and his guild, as well as Echo who are similar, they all have each raider make like 12 toons to get the BIS gear. You can hear in many of their videos on how they talk about ‘oh we had to make sure we had our last two raiders get the queen ring’ or ‘the hero track candle trinket from delves’ in order to down the boss. Paraphrasing here but you get the point, you can’t find it in their vods. I don’t think that they are wrong, and I don’t think even THEIR players who play this game for a living appreciate having 12 characters of the same race/class just to combat a poorly designed system. I am CERTAINLY NEVER going to play 12 warlocks or 12 of anything for that matter I have a job and a family, it’s not possible.

Also, before people say ‘you’re comparing yourself to the best players in the game.’ Why aren’t you? Why wouldn’t you want to be competitive? I don’t mind these guys who have the time to invest get the gear weeks or even months before me, but what’s available to them should also be available to me, without having to have an entire guild cohesively working together to funnel me the pieces I need. My $15 is just as valuable as theirs.

Congratulations, you’ve officially become a “casual” player. Now all you have to do is stop caring what those guys do and make the best with what you get.

I’m not going to lie. I feel like I have a legitimate argument here, and the only reason I feel compelled to shine more light on this issue is because it’s an issue that I am having an issue with, and it’s being echoed by some of the biggest names in the game.

For you to reduce my argument to ‘whining about not getting something I want’ I feel is kind of disrespectful. I’m not coming at anybody that way and discounting them. It is very possible that this opinion of mine is unpopular, and maybe this game/system just isn’t for ME, and I’m willing to accept that.

I have tried playing multiple characters at the chance of building one. I am pouring what I feel like is a substantial amount of my free time into this game and I’m still not reaching my goals despite seeing others reach that goal before me (better RNG). If you can’t see an issue with that, I don’t know how I can paint the picture more clearly.

Perhaps check your bias. When you read my comments and statements what part of it triggered you into disagreeing. Why would a deterministic way of acquiring one or two pieces of loot be a problem?

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This is why gear should be easy to obtain. As soon as the season is over current gear is meaningless. The skill rewards should be achievments, titles, transmogs, mounts, etc… Things that are permanent. Max ilvl gear should be obtained through time played, not through high difficulty. Allowing low key players to grind out 639 has no impact on high key pushers aside from them feeling less special.