I’m not logging in until more tuning takes place

Man are you okay

Are you having a stroke?

How? WHats the 2 buttons?

Psyching horror (stun) into Silence(silence)?

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With their buttons

I will say there was something kind of entertaining to watch Marksman during corruption and just seeing the ridiculous range you could get.

Which ones? WHich abilities?

Open up your spell book and read them. There’s only a few

Yeah but which ones are specifically used to melt people like OP says?
Asking for a friend

If you’re struggling as a healer you’re playing the game completely wrong.

Dont make me post my death log mate. 62% to zero in 0.1 seconds pure mm damage.

Pressing walls doesnt save me either. I think everyone can agree mm is outrageous right now

It wasnt 0.1 sec…

He at least had to get a full rapidfire to build stacks, trueshot, and aimed shot cast. That’s like 6-7sec depending on haste. And those gigahuge aimed shot crits won’t be happening after tomorrow

Fine, Maybe when I get home Ill post the ss.

need mm hunter nerfed stat, this zerveonetwo-tichondrius guy is sweating every time he presses aimed shot for 3 million damage from 500 yards away he hears whispers of a 30% aimed shot nerf and starts shaking. blizzard help this guy


Every wow player thinks they should never lose a single game, otherwise the game sucks


Lmao you think youll have any new players to poop on? Thats gonna be another poor me thread once you figure that out

They’re literally nerfing it tomorrow

as a practitioner of science I will confidently state that aimed shot needs a direct nerf to its damage on top of the critical strike nerf


Single aimed shot hit for 4,817,303
That is about half of my 10,285,920 total HP (with fort) in PvP.
Is that high?

But the big crit modifiers are what made its damage an outlier? You’re getting like 2-3mil~ non crits with full CD’s/ramp up, which is right in line with basically every other classes big damage abilities during cds

And what even is the desired outcome here? Completely gut mm so every hunter goes back to playing bm? Nerf the one class capable of countering the rmx meta?