I as a healer refuse to take part in this mess of a patch, healing my fellow dps players from the vicious MM hunters that are plaguing the arena with their 1 button spam. I also am tired of dealing with shadow priests pressing 2 buttons to stun blanket silence and melt my teammates every 45 seconds while standing still like an immortal statue of David. Oh and feral Druid bleeds… what’s with that, nerf them too sick of those weirdos
Just know blizzard if you do not make more sensible changes tonight to be added on tuesdays reset you will lose a.) me buying 20 wow tokens a day to keep up with all this crafting garbage but b) i will come back as a dev evoker and just decimate every new player that wants to sub and have fun in the arena to just experience the pain that I have to endure and I will make sure they will never want to sub again.
It takes more than 1 button to set up aimed shot burst.
L2 press a cooldown (literally any defensive/stun/disarm, etc will be enough to disrupt it)
twitch. Tv/clip/FragileManlyPicklesUnSane-TXuigOhyPVXaLfvM
doesn’t look like it.
Link doesn’t work, just post the link in between code tags
not sure how to link otherwise idk the forums well, here I edited it just delete space between tv and twitch I think
“Just line the bolt”
No, you’re overtuned and it’s stupid defending this. You’re also probably getting nerfed again, and BM getting buffed.
Crap no one likes fighting bm hunter either. They should force them all to play survival.
I got hit with a 2m thrown bomb yesterday so that’s cool. Bright things in the hunter future.
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Oh wow you got hit for almost 20%?
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true and real nerf warriors
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Honestly though the only melee that takes any remote skill is ww, warriors have it way to easy.
Its not as bad as what your inferring healing wise otherwise no one would have reached 2.4k in 3s yet. With that being said 4 people at 2.4k with over 10k in bracket isn’t representative of .5% of bracket. That’s why were seeing tuning changes, not any other reason whatsoever. Brackets aren’t functional at current rating and none including best in world can climb reliably right now beside same 5 that have been number 1 in bracket for last 10 years? Magnuz has been number 1 in 2s since legion?
u coming back and paying to renew ur sub blizzard wins you lose gg
they getting a nerf on tuesday. i would be more worried about ww
Are you saying you don’t think there’s enough inflation right now? We are on day 6 of the new season and people are already 2.4k
How much more inflation do you want/need? At this point if you can’t hit your target, it’s either a time or skill issue. Time makes sense, most people can’t just queue all day every day, but they will eventually get it. If time isn’t the factor, no amount of inflation is going to help you, because they’re already giga-inflated
Bruh people don’t even know what these words mean they just regurgitate them every season
No, I’m not saying that there isn’t enough inflation as there are people 3k in SS or bg blitz. If every bracket was balanced even somewhat wouldn’t there be people at least 2.5k in 2s or 3s. Day 6 of new season same number of players roughly in each bracket but different caps in each one. We can assume if your above 2k rn you dont need any practice and are most likely capped out on current spec or comp. If you havent played at all this season would make no difference on the numbers we are already seeing. If its a skill issue why the tuning?
Brother now is your time. Afflictio. Is a king rn.