I’m an alt who rolled for silithus pvp

Hey I started ranking an alt in hopes of some wpvp on my server (Heartseeker).

I’m an alliance main but I rolled a horde with friends to kill people in silithus trying to compete their scepter quest because it’s funny to us.

I see a lot of complaints on the forums are Reddit? What I’m doing is allowed right, I’m certain I won’t banned


yes pvp is allowed on pvp servers, just don’t grief.

What is griefing though? I need honor so killing people a minimum of 10 times a day is a must


whatever blizzard says it is, as long as there is a pvp solution to the problems you are causing, it’s 99% of the time allowed.

Don’t exploit bugs in the terrain to stop them from being able to retaliate. Don’t collaborate with the opposing faction to gain an advantage over other players (since you mention an Alliance main, that one sounds like a real possibility).

As long as it’s just you and other Horde players roaming Silithus and slaughtering any Alliance you see (and not, e.g., logging onto your Alliance character to find out who’s where so your Horde characters can track them down more easily), you should be fine.

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At the moment, there is no clear indication that this is a violation. It’s highly suggested to not take part in this since it could result in your own reputation on that realm to be kind of blacklisted from being invited to groups to do certain things. That is more controlled by the the fans though.

Rofl at the people who reported my comment, i got like 5 bnets i’m not one to get silenced. (Im the OP)

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If it is regular world pvp, let the #salt flow. Same with dispelling their world buffs btw :slight_smile:

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Is this what you’re doing?