I’m a tank and I survived the nerfs!

Heroics are a meme anyways dude. You can buy a full 343 set for nothing… then farm world rares and m0s up to 380s.

havent run a single heroic on my 3 toons.

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U had me at gold

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Was fun before… a lot more fun than I have had in a while.

If its not as fun now or if the game stops being fun, I’ll just stop playing again simple.

Too soon to tell but I hate all this knee jerk back and forth balancing.

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The 10% blanket nerf across the board was a bit lazy on Blizzards part, but aside from that the tanks are fine. I plan on leveling up my prot pally soon in fact.

oh man you’re a legend.

demon hunter through and through

Oh, I can still very much do that on my tanks.

People who think m0s are a balance point are clowns.

I’m saving this post for Tuesday.

DF dungeons are undertuned. wait until you’re running 20s to comment on how good tanks are.

yer not wrong…

least i am the lovable stupid

Now is absolutely the time to be doing this sort of balancing. Definitely should have been decided on in beta but they were crammed enough for time as it is.

Sigh forums…always forums.

Imagine posting this and not knowing the nerfs are on the 13th…lmao

I’m totally ok with my ignorance! I’m new to tanking and I’m totally unphased by most things!

I dont understand, a lot of the complaints were that tanks dont die in pvp, yet they mostly nerfed the pvp damage for tanks…they barely touched tank’s sustainability? So tanks after nerf will still not die in pvp? But hit like wet noodles?

Also in pve people complained that tanks were tanking too much, but its not high level mythics yet so isnt that normal? Is this a blizz listening to the community too much situation?

Nerfs in pvp had to happen! Especially to gaurdian Druids.

Proud of you man; not everyone here on the forums can survive a scrapped knee without their mommy to kiss it.

I’m a tank! I can take it…when stuff happens to my priest i wail and moan like a three year old who just had their lollipop taken away

It’s only 10% extra damage taken.

I doubt the nerf will be noticeable or affect tank tactics.

a 10% nerf isent going to make a role useless you silly clownshoes

Meat shield go brrrr