Hello everyone!
My friends and I are starting a new reroll project on Horde side! We are accepting applications for officer positions, raiders, and social members.
The guild’s focus will be first on leveling…of course, and then getting geared to raid in 9.1, with the goal of hitting AOTC in the 9.1 cycle.
We will have a planned/staged leveling plan for members to follow, and everyone including officers/GM will be rerolling, so you won’t be behind anyone!
We also want to emphasize we are new player, and new raider friendly! So if you’ve always wanted to raid but felt behind, or too new, now is your chance to get in on an equal playing field!
If you’re interested please add a recruiter on one of the following:
Discord: Purple_86#9819| FussyApple#6420 | ShovelCopter#0286
Bnet: Purple86#1959 | FussyApple#1117 | ShovelCopter#1477
Thanks for reading!!
Edit: We will be playing on Zul’jin!
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Ya, this sounds pretty cool, I’ve sent ya a message on discord.
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Come join us, have some fun, and hopefully make some new friends 
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We’re still openly recruiting!
Rather you’re a raider, social player, or enjoy keys you’re welcome to be part of our community!
New players/raiders are welcome!!
Still also accepting officer applications!
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It’s a fantastic place to meet friends new and old. Come hang out and see if it fits for you!!!
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Still recruiting for our reroll!
I have an officer spot still open, and mainly looking for healers, and melee DPS at the moment, but all classes/specs are welcome!
Still looking for a few more members to round out the guild! We’re looking for healers, and melee DPS, but ofc all classes are welcome.
Nonradiers welcome to if you wanna just hang out and have a good time!
Sent Bnet requests. Very interested.
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We just started a couple days ago, so plenty of time to be a part of the process!
If you’ve sent Bnet requests look out for a message from one of us here soon! Glad to see all the interest. 
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It’s not too late! Come be apart of our amazing community!
Very interested. Sent bnet request.
I will send you Btag invite. very interested in this
Bnet requests have been accepted! Looking forward to talking with you!
this sounds like fun. sent a bnet request
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We are no longer accepting reroll applications, as we are about 5 days into it, and making our way into SL content. Those who have expressed interest and/or applied and talked to a guild officer are still very much welcome.
Our next phase will begin shortly, and we will be accepting m+/raid ready characters/toons. So if our community sounds like the place for you feel free to continue to contact an officer via discord/bnet!
Thank you everyone for all the interest, and help making us an early success!