Hey gang,
My name is Caleb and I am an alcho–wait, sorry…wrong introduction.
My name is Caleb and I am looking for an 18+ mid-core guild that raids weekends and will be starting in Heroic with the goal of progressing towards Mythic.
I am looking to play Melee DPS with some flexibility on which class specifically, but Fury Warrior is my first choice.
I also have significant tanking experience, so I am willing and able to support M+ runs when needed, or back up tank.
I’m the kind of person who tries hard, studies my class, and shows up prepared for raids whether its consumables, enchants, or just watching the fight. I’m goofy and friendly with the patience for mythic progression, but I always bring my A-game to raid and the culture of a guild that would be a good match for me is one that does do its best to use raid time efficiently and respect one another’s time without any drama.
BNet is: WettyMcPants#1528
Thanks and look forward to meeting you