Hyper speed accelerator macro broken

This is on classic wrath of the lich king
#showtooltips Shadow bolt
/use 10
/cast Shadow bolt

Does not work; this macro will not cast shadow bolt after applying the buff but sometimes you get 1 cast of shadowbolt. As soon as the item is on cooldown the macro breaks and stops working, this was not the case yesterday. I’ve disabled all addons and tested it on multiple spells. Unless it’s metamorphosis in which case hyperspeed accelerators will just not be used.


Was working just fine for days but today it just does not
Glad ive found out before the raid

Same, worked all day yesterday in raid. Broken today. Activates gloves and casts once then says “Item is not ready” and won’t cast at all.

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So their “fix” to prevent glove weaving is to break the macro? This is terrible and lazy, I hope it’s a “bug” and will be fixed.

Same issue, really frustrating please fix blizz

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Confirmed for me as well. IDK what exploit they were trying to fix, but this is punishing a large population of people that use this macro with spammable abilities.

Mine also broke and I hope they fix this.

I’m having the same issue. I was able to get it to work for some of my abilities by putting it lower in the macro, but it is still broken for volley, no matter what order I put the lines of my macro in.

I’m glad I found this thread.

#showtooltip Divine Favor
/use 10
/cast Divine Favor
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Holy Light

This is not working as of this afternoon, and it has been since release.

Hopefully this information can help some of the devs narrow it down:

  1. If I comment out / remove /use 10 ← gloves, even if divine favor is on CD, it will properly cast Holy Light.
  2. HOWEVER, if I leave the /use 10 in that macro, and is on cd, it does not cast holy light.

Bumping this, it needs fixed as swiftly as they “fixed” glove weaving. Let the sweats sweat with their glove weaving idc, I wanna be able to use my abilities normally.

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Bump with a suggestion, instead of killing swifty macros for no reason just make all the hyperspeed gloves share a CD like nitro boosts, my bars are full and this change is completely a bandaid fix to a non problem anyway.
Apparently they did do this lol it just broke the macros too, probably an accident I hope they fix this fast

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We can now mount up in skelly form from noggenfogger, but engi glove macros still don’t work… Can we get a word on this please?

I would also like to see this fixed, it’s really annoying.

To be clear, the problem is that a macro like in the first post is suddenly treating “/use 10” like an ability with a GCD. If Hyperspeed Accelerators are ready to use, the macro works the first time. Then as long as Hyperspeed Accelerators are on cooldown, there is an error message “Item is not ready yet.” The behavior of macros from forever ago until now was that you could put non-GCD instants into multiple lines of a macro, but not abilities with a GCD; and if you put multiple GCD abilities with cooldowns it would stop at the first cooldown ability.

Illustrative example: Since Metamorphosis has no GCD, the following macro will always cast Metamorphosis if it’s off of cooldown, followed by always casting Shadow Bolt:
/cast Metamorphosis
/cast Shadow Bolt

However the following macro will only ever cast Death Coil, and if Death Coil is on cooldown, the macro will simply do nothing. This is due to Death Coil having a GCD.
/cast Death Coil
/cast Shadow Bolt

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Same here, this needs to be fixed

pls fix this makes my gloves basically useless :’(

This is absurd. This needs fixed asap… You guys broke this to stop sweats from sweating, but are you taking away world firsts? no? then there’s no point in even making this change in the first place. Just put it back and let sweat-lords sweat and stop harming normal players .

Sweat-lords be sweating? Gotta patch it asap.

Large population of normal players affected? I sleep.

Brutally honest truth here.

Another day, another bug Blizz creates themselves and does not acknowledge and fix

Chiming in to say I’d also like this fixed.

we did it bois :’)