Drakthyr! Hell yea! … and yet… just as soon as you giveth, you taketh away. As one of the many many many Subs, (I don’t feel as if I’m a player in a community anymore but just a sub) who have been playing since Vanilla, I was so pumped to see if we would be able to be dragons. Announcement day comes and BOOM! Drakthyr… but a watered down Blizzard version of what we’ve wanted for years. Not the 4 legged ones from UBRS, not the 2 legged behemoths from Cataclysm, but this Wizard 101 version that doesn’t seem to interest anyone so far.
The perfect version of this race for me would of been to use Gargoyle frames used for Stoneborn, similar to this posting.
The frames are already there and with male female styles already set up. Some are complaining about not being able to fight in the visage form, but for me that’d be no different then just fighting as a Blood elf. The dragon form is where its at, you cant even fight in your human form as a Worgen, which might I add I hope they have a fly option like the Worgen can go into a ground mount stance, accessing the flight option would be great if it was just a click like the druids flight form and would make a lot of sense as even in your visage form, turn ya instantly into your dragon form and off your go… possibly the only other race that could pull off the instant flight form.
Armor is also a bit confusing atm, is it only a consmetic option from the barber shop liek some posts are stating? If so this seems like a repeated problem that has stemmed from Vanilla with druids and how your hard earned armor can never be seen in anyway when your in any of your forms, unless you go with Stars Glyph.
I agree that having the ability to be other classes would be nice… (Drakthyr Warrior and ect.) But isolating it into its own class is a great immersion point for myself and many others. My only salt to throw here is NO TANK SPEC. What is a Dragon other then tanky AF. In the announcement and in interviews it was stated for them to be an Evoker because of their access to all dragon aspects, exemplified by the swirling fire blast that had all colors fade into one red ball before impact. But what of the Black dragons? We have Blue and Red for DPS and Green and Bronze for Healing. If I could have the more bulky frame posted above and then for it to be combined with the powers and strength of the black dragon flight seems an optimal and almost obvious choice. Besides, it was stated customize anything and everything… body size will hopefully be included in that and not just the “slightly” that has been mentioned in interviews, this was also a previous let down to players with the lack of Skinny Kul’tiran option.
Lets be real, we all want to be so pumped for this Xpac… but as it stands, after going on 19 years, that cold hard truth is we always fall short of something that has the potential to be amazing and to actually meet our expectations. I know it is extremely early and the rest of Dragonflight will have to prove itself when its released… but if Drakthyr is the class/race you chose for it… please make it worth myself and others like me hanging in with this game, this team, this company thru all of the let downs over the last few years.