Hyjal Ele Shaman LF 2 night a week raiding

Coming back to Dragonflight after a long break. Currently 370 ilvl looking for a guild to get AOTC with and push some m+ keys with. Would prefer 1-2 weekday nights of raiding.

Played Elemental in Nathria then my guild fell apart at 9/10 H. After that I gave the game a break. But I am been having such a good time in Dragonflight so far I want to get back into raiding.

Hey Chil!

Is a CE focused guild that is currently reforming for Vaults and beyond. Our core raid team has played together for 2 expansions with our raid leader leading multiple CE guilds and is hungry to continue in DF starting with Vaults. We currently have open recruitment so any exceptional players feel free to reach out, and if you are looking to just get into raiding don’t be afraid please feel free to reach out!

Main Team Raid Days:
Wednesday 7-10 EST
Friday 7-10 EST

Both teams are recruiting all classes and roles!

Please feel free to reach out and chat!
Bnet: Wishkins#1359
Discord: Spex4wild#4587

Chee Kon(A - Stormrage) is recruiting for Dragonflight. We are accepting all members/specs at this time, both casual and those interested in raiding. We AOTC’d Nathria in Shadowlands and plan on doing the same this XPAC. We are looking for Tanks, 1 healer, and DPS at this time.

We will be raiding from 7PM PST - 10PM PST Mon/Wed.

We have more fun than we do being super serious, but the leadership of the guild all has extensive high rank raiding experience.

Please reach out to the below individuals if you are interested in hearing more!

BNET: Tacobucket#11442 Discord: Ginobli#1260

BNET: Burtron#1991 Discord: Cheekon#8549

Greetings. Sleight of Hand on Korgath is looking for solid dps/heals for AOTC. We push M+ pretty heavy and you seem perfect for what we’re looking for. If you you’re still looking, hit me up. I main an ele shaman named Loketar… Let’s ride the lightning!
Discord: BEAST#1376

If you’re interested, let us know.

Hey there,

Not sure what you schedule is like but we are looking for ranged dps for our Sunday/Mon raid team. Attached is our current ad below and contact info if you would like to chat further.