Hydraxis US, terrible soul-crushing lag


I have been chatting in general and players on Hydraxis US server are having terrible lag, so much that looting and doing certain quests are impossible. I have tried resetting my router and rebooting my comp and it didn’t help. Seems all players are noticing this.

Edit: I’m on an alliance character doing quests on Kul-tiras right now, I will check horde.

Is this occurring in any particular zone? And are you noticing any rises in world and home latency or are those numbers normal?

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its not you man, its their end. Like it usually is


No bro. Its your servers , routers, whatever. Everyone is experiencing it. Everyone has 1-100 latency, and everyone is experiencing 2-3 second lag between button pushes. etc


If its an issue with the servers then we’re going to need info to narrow it down so we can report it up. As of now I’m sitting in Kul’tiras on Hydraxis and haven’t noticed issues yet or anything in chat. If there’s a specific zone the problem is occurring in, then I can go there to check. We do however currently have some tracking already for issues that have been occurring around Boralus.

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I am showing a consistent 53ms home latency. I just tried my Horde character in Zuldazar and didn’t seem to be having the problem. Back on alliance character on Kul Tiras (Tiragarde Sound) and looting seems to still be slow.

Cool I am noticing a very slight delay at the moment when looting in the area compared to other places though. Saw some reports in chat that the issue look to have cleared up a bit so maybe I logged in at the wrong moment. Is that what you’re noticing at the moment?

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Yes, and it is still slightly delayed when pressing a button, albeit it is much better now. I’m going to take a nap and play more later

Sounds like I missed the bulk of it then :confused: If it does get worse again let us know! As mentioned previously, we do have something open for issues in Kul’tiras and if we can log in while its happening we can get reporting sent up for it.

Same on Whisperwind… I did my dailies on my two mains and now on leveling… Loot lag, ability lag is horibad. I’m questing in Tiragarde Sound right now… I don’t think I’ve ever seen it quite this bad.

I have been noticing quite a bit of lag with looting and using abilities in Tiragarde Sound, its really sporadic. I am on Lightbringer and my latency is solid 70ms for both home and world

Closing this thread, let’s move the discussion over here making sure to provide the info requested.