Hybrid races

Where are they?
Troll and orc? Torllc
Human and orc? Humorc?
Pandaren and Worgen? Worgeran?
Gnome and Goblin? Gobome?
Night Elf and Troll? Trelf?
Dwarf and Orc? Dorc?

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Hybrid races can be found in Goldshire on select servers. Happy hunting!


Not an ERP specialist.

This question literally is the one NO mmo Dev ever wants to explore! Its been ask in ESO, FF14, GW2 and the list goes on… we know the exist in lore but apparently it be an endless dev nightmare and not so profitable (or so the decision makers keep saying :unamused:) to add them even if its just an edited reskin or cosmetic.

With the exception of D&D games which has always implemented every type of race possible even if its a monster and tried to always give racial to each combination.


Specifically after midnight

norc /10char

For one thing, hybrids don’t actually seem distinguishable from their parent race…

Lantresor for instance looks 100% Orc, and he’s a Draenei Orc hybrid… I’d expect at least some tentacles, or a tail, or hooves…

How dare you forget the most popular hybrid, Mok’Nathal :rage:

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What about Kul Tiran and Blood Elf?

Or Orc and Mechagnome?


Hahaha wtf

Ok if your going there match me a forbidden on orc + elf or… Vulpira/Goblin/Gnome with Tauren/Drenai!


Taurren bottom half human top half. they could be centaurs pog

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We have centaur at home.

And they’re mostly jerks.

Can we treat gnomes like they are corgis and have them mix with all the races. This way we can have little versions of each race.

The only hybrid race I know off the top of my head that is actually named are the Mok’nathal, who were created from the union of orcs and ogres. The others just are referred as like half orcs/draenei like Garona or half elves like Kalec’s human form was described as.