Says the guy incessantly whining about queue times, AV premades, and now even whining about how instant queues are fostering afkers in HvH battlegrounds. Waaaaaaaa.
This HvsH bg thing is a terrible way to fix the problem. And getting rid of premades goes against so much of a mmo…kill community, yeh thats great. The community was killed in retail and look where it is now.
Horde knew what they were signing up for when they chose it. They wanted to do the whole min/max thing despite knowing a ton of people were going to do the same. Long que times really shouldnt have been a surprise to them.
If you add in HvsH bgs why not add in more things that were not in TBC…where will it end?? When will people stop complaing about things until they get what they want.
In my opinon you should allow a free xfer from horde to alliance. If people want shorted que times they will take it. And if they want to keep their racials then they can stay horde. Either way they were given a free option to to fix their problem.