[H]<Vintage> Tues/Sun 9pm-12am ST | Loot Council|

Vintage is currently recruiting to fill our last spots in our 25m roster! We are fairly laid back and relaxed while still keeping it serious enough in times to get fights done.
We are a semi-hardcore guild that expects our raider to show up with full consumables, gems, enchants , class knowledge and knowledge of the upcoming fights and content.

Currently our guild went 15/15 25m Naxx on an off night with expectations of going 17/17 during our full raiding hours starting this week. On Naxx release we went 17/17 10m and got 13th on the server. Our goal is to clear all new content as quickly as possible.

Raid days/times

Tuesday and Sunday starting at 9pm server time until 12am server time. This means in raid, buffed, pulling trash. As new content releases we will potentially be adding 1 extra day a week for the first few weeks to get the content cleared, on farm and allowing us to have more free time for alts, 10m’s etc etc throughout the week.

Loot- Loot council

We are currently using Thatsmybis (a website that allows raider to set up a wish list and prioritize their wants/needs so there is less downtime after boss kills distributing loot amongst raiders). Loot gets passed out based off of the wish list supplied by the raiders but we also take into account personal activity (to avoid raid logging), helpfulness with guildies and a good attitude towards raiding and guildmates. Toxicity will not be promoted not tolerated.

Recruitment Needs

Any and all classes are welcome to apply, we are always welcoming exceptional players. Currently out highest priority classes and specs are:

Warlock- Affliction
Druid- Balance (resto offspec prefered)
Mage- Any (knowledge of all specs prefered)
Shaman- Enhancement

Contact info

If you are interested in reaching out and applying for a raid spot (please have logs readily available) please contact either:
Soya (recruitment) - Bnet : Secapson#1940 or Soyasauce#3298 on discord
Alzarius (GM) - Bnet: Alarius#1990 or Alzarius#0430 on discord

This week we blew through Naxx/EoE/3D (25m) in sub 3hrs. Still LF exceptional ranged dps! Anyone interested please reach out!

Do you guts have any needs for a spriest

new realm speed record, 17! LF Spriest and DK!


Looking for more pumpers.

All classes considered


Just got Immortal this week, still short pumpers

Need a ret paladin

Glory/Immortal done