Yes, I believe you and your MM hunter friend were interested? Reviewing both your logs and discussing with team. We will get back to you soon.
We are looking for an exceptional UH DK for next weekâs raid for prog on M Council. Looking to trial immediately!
Still recruiting and looking to trial an exceptional UH DK for raid this week.
Still looking for an exceptional UH DK to prep for M Council tomorrow.
Hi Asuna. Did you and your hunter friend find a home yet? Reviewed both your logs, and would be happy to chat in disc sometime. Hit me on discord (Flarpy#4600) or Bnet (Flarpy#1733) and Iâll get back to you ASAP.
Immediate need for 1 tank and 1-2 UH DKs for progression. Working on Council and ready to move on to Sludgefist!
Bump to the top Tank Asap Dks Asap
Hey Im a 221 Brewmaster Tank, that has good attendance, and brings consumeables every raid, im a keystone master and 10/10h with Alot of high end mythic prog in the past ( 6/12m Nyalotha prog, Night hold mythic prog, argus mythic prog) My logs are pretty solid. I cant link here but Check out Bipolarteddy on Zulâjin! I could have been further in mythic but I was trying to get my own guild to mythic but it didnt happen sadly. Would love to get in contact with you Teddy#12201
Where are the god Dk players
Still looking for 1-2 exceptional UH DK players!
Still taking an exceptional UH DK or two for trial ASAP!
Looking for an UH DK for Council prog. Got to P3 in one night, so looking forward to the kill next week!
Still seeking an exceptional UH DK.
where the dks be ?
We are also looking to add a MM hunter or two into our roster for progression.
if its not at the top where are we
Looking for exceptional dks immediate use!
bump to the top before you drop
And down goes M Council our second night of prog on her! Still considering an excellent UH DK and MM hunter for trial.
We gonna smack sludge