[H][US][Thrall] <Endex> 2 Hour / Nights

Class Needs: Magex1, Warlockx1, Pallyx1, Shamanx1, Hunterx1, Holy Pallyx1 DHx1

We always have room for skilled players or those willing to try and step up to the next level of gameplay. If you feel like you can fit our group please drop by the discord - the application is following the directions.

Current Experience: BFA N’yalotha AOTC in 21 days from first raid attempt.

We are a group of like minded individuals who enjoy a no-nonsense approach to the game, we are all adults with busy schedules, yet we have a strong core group that is readily available to play and help others in need.

We pride ourselves on having a zero drama environment, along with policies and leadership that encourages that type of behavior.

Respecting everyone’s time and effort that is brought during raid nights is one of the many foundational blocks that this group is built on. This behavior will be expected of you and will be used as a base for your performance on. Two hours a night does not give much room for error or downtime.

We understand that mistakes happen and we will work together to identify and address these issues in a constructive manner before our next pull.

Our Raid schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8PM - 10PM EST, we RARELY go over this time unless the group votes for it and the situation merits it.

We expect that each raid-team member is capable of analyzing logs and improving: gameplay, understanding, basic instructions and showing up to raid prepared. All while communicating what you are not understanding about mechanics. If you are on time, you are late (trash pulls normally start 10 min prior to raid first boss is pulled at 8PM EST).

The activities of this Community are vast and varied, we have members of all walks of life willing and wanting to do low and high level M+, PVP, among other things/games.

How to join:

If you feel you want to be part of this community and value the principles we follow, you can find us at https://discord.gg/DWZ9mFG for more information on recruitment needs for the raid team and further instructions.

Great community of dudes. Come find a great home for SL

bump give us some love

Still looking

bumping for a few range dps

click the link

come check us out. Still looking for a few more skilled players to fill our mythic raid team

come on by

bump look at us we kill stuff