[H][US][Mal’Ganis] <Broken Frontier> *3/8M* LF a MW Monk and a Ranged DPS for our raid team!

Hi, a small bit about the guild: it was founded in vanilla and we’ve been running raids since Karazhan. Started on Nazjatar, moved to Stormreaver when MoP hit, then finally to Mal’Ganis at the end of BFA. Friendly overall environment, definitely an adult guild however.
With that out of the way, BF is looking for:

-Healer: MW Monk!

-Ranged DPS: Any but warlock, we have 2 of those!

-Any players interested in pushing Mythic+ keys! Play ranging from filling vaults to pushing 3k+! Give me a shout!

The guild has a history of mythic raiding, but is mainly looking to do AOTC and chill this tier with a possibility of mythic next tier. We will raid on Friday/Saturday @ 8-11PM CST. Also Mythic+/Delves will be happening constantly throughout the week. DM me here, on bnet: Basu#11316, on Discord: kain_85, or in game: Kyrrus-Mal’Ganis! Thanks for your consideration!

https:// linktr.ee/broken_frontier

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We are still recruiting for Season 4 and The War Within, so hit me up and let’s raaaaaage!

Updated our needs in the OP! Come join us for raids, dungeons and laughs! :smiley:

Hey I have a guild, but I’m happy to mistweave for you (or windwalker, I pump) until TWW launches as a fill in. I read logs for my guild and can check out what’s going on with healers. I play melee flex, but I am a self-demoted former healing officer/lead lmao. I just didn’t want the stress. Happy to help out an aspirational guild on the server this month til the xpac starts! I have mythic experience in all 3 raids. Add me on Discord - spacepope20k

Still looking for prospective recruits! TWW is around the corner, let’s goooooo!

Updated the guilds needs in response to recent recruitment! Come for the raids, stay for the laughs! :smiley:

U guys looking for fury/arms warrior? Just started back playing in season 4 dragon flight

Hey Warspeed! Right now we are full up on melee aside from a WW Monk. Sorry!

Updated our needs for the raid team! Considering all but these are prio #1! We’re filling fast though so hit me up!

I’m on right now if u wanna invite

Do you play any of the above classes I’m looking to recruit? We’re melee heavy atm, mostly looking for Ranged DPS and a monk DPS right now.

Only other class I would play is ele shammy

How many ele shammy u have? My shammy ilvl 491 cause mostly focused on my warrior. Want to get him better gear so I can see how much damage they can put out

We don’t have an Elemental Shaman, add me on Discord and let’s chat! kain_85

Updated! Hit me up and let’s get you aboard for TWW!

Updated again! We are expanding recruitment to players interested in Mythic+! The guild has a much more broad interest in running keys in the upcoming season so I’m inviting players with Keys as their main interest as well to join in on the grind! Also narrowed our raid team recruitment window for now, hurry up and join, raids are a month away!

Updated our needs as of today!

Had a productive first week of raiding and I’ve updated our recruitment needs accordingly! Hope any lookers won’t hesitate to hit me up!

Week 2 of Season 1 is in the books! Updated our recruitment needs yet again!

Updated our recruitment needs! HMU!