Thanks! After Painsmith they should be a breeze!
That’s what I was told besides KT xD
Recruiting HPAL/Priest and PROT paladin now as well! Still in need of mages and boomkin to streamline our raid team!
Prot paladin you say?
Si! Our DH tank flipped after our monk tank quit so he’s indifferent toward tanking. He and I have been trading tanking on fights depending on which class performs better for prog. Our current “main” tank is prot paladin and is our raid leader and he asked for another prot…never hurts to have more Ashen!
GUARDIAN DOWN! Onward to Fatescribe!
Hmm I’ll get back to you once I level my Venthyr coven on my paladin I’m a Kyrian main
Still looking for Balance Druids!
Looking for balance druids and warlocks! HMU!
No BM hunters? :'c
Not right now, trying to add a few more fotm specs to our raid comp to help knock over these last few bosses in heroic…should have Fate down next week after a long Christmas break!
Down to needing Warlocks! Would also consider exceptional Shaman and Rogues of all kinds! Thanks
Just needing a Warlock or Warlocks at this point!
Recruiting players for competitive roster for the remainder of SoD and 9.2! Get in on the ground floor and let’s kill all the mythic internet beasts!
Are you guys reclearing?
We were reclearing a few bosses, will likely be holding lockout intermittently to try and tip bosses over before Eternity’s End. We are still recruiting too!
We are all set on Heals, but still looking for good performing DPS and an experienced Tank!
Down to really looking for an exceptional Boomkin, Warlock and Tank! Comparable mythic XP and performance preferred!
Tank and a Boomie are still on the list of recruits I’d like to have!
Sanctum is officially over, however we are still recruiting an experienced Tank and Balance Druid for our raid team for 9.2! Its here on the 22nd with raids starting the following week so hit me up if you’re interested and we can see if we’re a good fit!