[H][US][Laughing Skull] <From The Embers> - PvE Focused AOTC Raiding/Key Guild Recruiting S4 & Dragon Flight

From The Embers is a small PvE focused guild that has been based on Laughing Skull for over a decade. We’re not a mega-guild and have zero interest in becoming one. We have a small, incredibly active community that is daily pushing keys of all ranges and various other shenanigans. Whether you’re new to the game or have been raiding since vanilla, we have a spot for you.

Raid atmosphere is laid back and we push progression that usually rivals guilds quadruple our size. We explain the fights, are patient with players that are struggling with certain mechanics. We don’t tolerate toxic players, but we’re constantly joking and poking fun of each other in discord, a sense of humor is pretty much a must have to survive our raid group. As a final note we do not push mythic raid progression, as we’re content with AOTC, and prefer pushing much higher keys instead.

Raid Times are Tues/Thurs 8-11PM EST.
Current Fated Progression - 10/10N 10/10H in all raids.

Please contact Vornwin with any questions.
BNet - Vornwin #1447
Discord - Vorn#1416