[H][US][Bleeding Hollow/Will Transfer] Resto Druid LF AoTC one night a week Su/M/W/Th EST time

About me:
Cusually played through Shadowlands, but want to take things a little more seriously.
Mid 30’s male. I have a quality computer that I built myself. I also have a mic and headset, though I’m not super chatty, I will alwats communicate when required for game play.
Mechanical Engineer by day, mountain bike racer by afternoon, gamer at night.
Will do some day time gaming if the weather is bad, but mostly only play after dark.

WoW History:
Raider from TBC, WotLK, and Cata. Went hardcore for Wotlk getting Heroic 25 man clears on every raid patch. (This was before Mythic was a thing)

WoW Goal:
For s4 + into Dragonflight, I want to reach KSM. I would also like to experience the raid tier at a higher level than LFR since it is pretty trivial in difficulty.
Looking for a guild that raids one night a week and is focused on AoTC. I am available on Sun, Mon, Wed, and Thurs from 8:00 pm - 11:30 pm Eastern.

Vuhdo for raid frames and mouse over.
WeakAuras to track key cooldowns
DeadlyBossMods for boss encounters
ShadowFrames for nameplats
Will always bring my own fasks, oil, and health/mana pots.
I read about my class on Ivy-Veins and WoWhead and watch videos from healer content creators such as Growl abd Maxium.
I learn boss encounters from Ivy-Veins, WoWhead, and Ready/Check/Pull

Current Character:
ilvl 255, 4 piece set, double legendary, max covenant. I will be revered with the Enlightened around 04Aug to upgrade my Unity legendary to 291.

Thank you for your consideration.