[H][US][Bleeding Hallow] <Cozy> 1/10M 9/10H SoD LFM (10/10 RL)

Guild & Server: :Horde: - Bleeding Hallow

Raid Times/Days: Tues/Thurs 8:15-11:15pm EST

Current Progression: 9/10 H 1/10 M SoD

Recruitment Contacts: Discord: serenade.eXe#1575

Wowprogress: www wowprogress com/guild/us/bleeding-hollow/Cozy

Requirements: expects all of our members to improve to the best of their ability. Be equipped with a good sense of humor and be good at both dishing and being receptive to feedback!

Needs: Considering all specs, Enh Shaman / Rogue, and other skilled DPS.