Hi all! We are an older couple looking for a guild of like-minded people who enjoy playing WoW together. We are fun and are looking for a friendly adult guild that is looking forward to raiding in TBC classic. We have played retail for many many years, and are currently enjoying playing classic - very excited for TBC classic launch!
If it sounds like this might be your guild, please add me to chat on battlenet at MamaBear#1385.
My wife and I are in about the same boat. Just re-rolled on Pagle, played together for many years since Vanilla days. If you find a guild like what you are describing we would be interested as well. Casual, no drama, experienced raiders.
7 days late but if you are still looking for the type of guild you described check out Pénsive. You can message me in game (Sewba) and ill put you in contact with the right people for more info or an inv!
Take care
Hey! Thanks for the replies. We are looking for something a little smaller than the guild you have suggested, Gatlinburgur.
We are still currently looking for a guild on Pagle though, if anyone else is reading the forums has a lead or suggestion. Thanks!
Hey there! Diversity may be a place for you. We’re sitting at about 28 60’s with 17 active raiders. We’re looking to round out our numbers for the release of TBC and are farming MC/BWL and working on AQ40 while we wait.
Swing by our discord and learn a little bit about us in the welcome section:
I’ll add your tag and keep an eye out for you.
Did you happen to find the guild you are looking for yet?