Low key people who have been playing off and on for 10 plus years. Just want some people to play with. We can act as Alts for raiding as we cannot commit 100% to a progression raid team right now. We also like to run M+ and other content. I was either going to run my shadow priest, or transfer my shaman over. I am most experience with enhancement and restro. Hunny will most likely run a mage or pally. (He changes a lot)
Let me know here who is recruiting and what you are looking for!
Hello. i’m looking for more socially active members for my guild. We are horde however. we’re not a hard core raiding guild. we focus more on wpvp/pvp things. Currently im working on building up the roster to be able to do RBGs, along with having a world defense cavalry to help with wpvp in defense calls throughout azeroth. We are low key and try to maintain a 0 tolerance for any kind of drama or cliques. if interested dont hesitate to contact me in game
Hellllloo there! Remnants of Hope might just be what you are looking for! We’re new to the ED community, having transferred off of WrA recently, so we are still getting everything up to speed. We have a solid PvP group and raid group; however, we are always open for more people. RP is soon to be started as well! We run mythic+ at least once a week (Monday nights), but if that does not work for you, we have people on at varying hours throughout the day.
Kill Order has lots of hubby/wife that play together. We are mainly a pvp guild but do mythic + content. If you would like to pst us in game we would love to talk to you!
edit - it somehow picked a lowbie alt to post for some reason…ty ty blizzard -_- – Aeriara is my main on ED hahaha
Hi there! I’m the GM for The Ashen Vale - our primary focus is RP and WPVP but we do a little bit of everything including a casual raid group starting Saturday evenings 8-11server. We’re a group of older folks with a focus on real life first and we have a community that’s focused on being friendly and kind with a mix of player interests. You can check out our website at theashenvale_dot_com and please feel free to message me in game or on discord if you have any questions! Aeriara#5223 – I hope you and your husband find a great guild!
Hi there! I’m an officer of The Ashen Vale and I’m organizing the raid. I think you’d fit in quite well in our guild. We do pve, wpvp, and rp quite casually, and many of us with multiple alts. There are several of us who do m+ regularly, and it’s usually easy to form a group. In season 2, anywhere from +2s to +15s. As far as the raid goes, we have plenty of room available. We are full for tanks however. We will be raiding on normal difficulty on Saturdays 8-11 central time.