[H][US][Area-52]<Place Holder> 9/10H Recruitment Open

Anyone got cookies?

Beep Boop!?

Fresh cookies again

Ten more!!

10 more cookies?

Anyone buying cookies?

Hot and fresh

Hunter/Druid main coming back for SL looking for a new guild add me on bnet Nuty#11704 if your intrested

been playing since TBC but over past few x-pacs ive moved to a very casual gameplay but im looking to get back into raiding come SL and by the looks of your raid schedule the times are pretty good for me as i get up for work at 3am , healer or dps roles i can fill if interested plz let me know…my bnet is sargerik#1664 im on the same server as u guys as well alrdy


Fresh locktarts

And boom goes the bump

Is this what a bump is?

More bumps

And some more

Another 10

A 5 and words

Now ten letters

Fresh bumps

is this 10