[H][US][Area-52]<Place Holder> 9/10H Recruitment Open

[Place Holder] is looking for more raiders to fill out our roster for Shadowlands. Lead by experienced mythic raiders, looking to push Cutting Edge and further end content during shadowlands not only in the raid department but also push Mythic+ keys. Currently, 9/10H trying to finish out a full 20 man roster.

All are urged to apply if you do not see your class up below as we will trial all exceptional players.

MM Hunter
Fire Mage
WW Monk

Raid Times:
Wednesday 7pm-10pm EST
Thursday 7pm-10pm EST

Leadership Contact:
Guild Master/Raid Leader: Chunkychug - Discord: ChunkyChug #2956 - Battle Tag: ChunkyChug#1298
Co-Guild Master/Raid Leader: Ekko - Discord: Ekko#4001 - Battle Tag: Ekko#11512


Bumps r’ us

This is a bump right?


Bump City, USA

Am I bumping right?

Going to bump, you up!

2 Bumps up there! :crazy_face:

Up, up, up, and up

Is this thing on?

Back to the top.

Get up there!

Beep, Boop, Bump

All these bumps

Bumps in the night

Still bumping

Udhebejfn. Uhhh my puppy stepped on my keyboard?

Bumping up the joint

1010100110. Bump

Sir BUMPS alot