[H][US][Area-52]<Place Holder> 9/10H Recruitment Open

Beeping and Bumping

Bump, Bump!



Bumping it

10 characters required

Here is 10

Another 10

Hey, I’m just coming back to the game I’ve played on and off through BFA and I am really looking forward to Shadowlands. I used to raid Mythic back in Legion and pushed Nighthold really hard and I am looking to get back into Mythic raiding next expansion! I plan on maining Resto Shammy and can play os dps, I also plan on leveling a second toon asap to have more options available! My battletag is Jacobo#11290 let me know if you are interested!

I sent you a btag request to speak more with you.
Ekko#11512 is my btag. Look forward to chatting.

Another 10

10 more!!?

ten charac

ten ply !!

10 more here

What if I want 9 characters to BUMP

Then you are wrong

Bump until 10

And then 10

and 10 more

Hey, I’ve recently returned to the game looking forward to Shadowlands. I raided mythic through most of Legion on my DH before I took a break due to work. I like the way warrior is looking for Shadowlands, so now I play fury with prot off-spec. My battletag is Durand#1548; Let me know if you’re interested. Thanks!