[H][US][Area 52] <Functional> 9/11M 11/11H SotFO , CE SoD CN T/W/TH 9-11:30 EST

< Functional >

US/Area 52

Tues/Weds/Thur 9:00-11:30(EST)

Sepulcher of the First Ones 9/11 M, 11/11 H
Sanctum of Domination 10/10 M CE, 10/10 H
Castle Nathria 10/10 M CE
Ny’alotha CE

< Functional > is a mythic progression orientated guild who enjoys playing together with zero drama.

Progression raiding remains Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9pm-11:30pm EST; Invites at 8:45pm EST.

Outside of that we have a lively community, always welcoming friends/casuals, which enjoys PvP and M+.
On Friday we run an alt or sale run depending on the week.

What we expect from you:

To be properly/max geared, enchanted and gemmed (We will assist with this).
Maintain good raid attendance (barring emergencies).
If you cannot make raid please post to communicate.
Come prepared and on time with consumables.
Have a reliable connection/computer.
Be an asset to us. We want to get you in/get you gear but you need to show you deserve it.
Mythic raiding experience comparable to ours is an asset.
Have a good attitude in raids and out. This means no drama what so ever and be able to wipe to new encounters and maintain a good attitude etc.
Be willing to sit. If you are sat, be ready to come back in at any point.

We do not carry people through raids.

We are a team and it takes all of us to be on top of our game to progress as quickly as possible.

Always interested in exceptional players of any class or role

We are actively recruiting the following roles-
Enhance Shaman

We will contact through battle.net or discord after you apply @

https:// tinyurl .com/functionalapp (remove the spaces)

We also have an additional team that is AOTC driven with easier mythic bosses. This team raids Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-11:30PM EST with invites going out at 8:15. Recently transferred from Hyjal, casual core team has raided together for a decade+, getting AOTC and most times easier mythic bosses down before taking breaks to play other games, enjoy RL or alts between tiers.

Apply to this team @
https:// tinyurl .com/continuum-functionalapp

1 Like

Grats on CE!

Hey I am interested, but your link isn’t working?

5/11 Heroic! solid first week :slight_smile:

Heres a bump!

Still looking for friends to kill content with! apply using our application, we would love to hear from you :slight_smile:

Come my lady
Come-come my lady
You’re my butterfly, sugar baby
Come my lady
Come-come my lady
You’re my butterfly, sugar baby

Come join us ladies, gents, and all those I fail to mention

Who let the dogs out? who? who? who? who?

You have to take out the spaces.

I’m a genie in a bottle baby~

heres a bump!

bump for 2/11 Mythic!

I’m still Jenny from the block.

need an Hpally?

Just applied to the heroic team, look forward to hearing from you! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately not at this time =(

Awesome! glad to hear from you :slight_smile:

heres a bump!

Just applied to the guild with your application, 270 F DK. Looking forward to raiding with y’all.

more friends!