[H][US][Area 52] <Functional> 9/10 M SoD, CE CN T/W/TH 9-11:30 EST

Mythic reclear tonight and jan 6th!

New Year, new guild! Come join us :slight_smile:

Looking for a 19 waycrest!

Ahem. I feel like this needs some love.

oh god the waycrests

19 waycrest in time : D

and back to the top!

Still looking for healers? :slight_smile:

Super excited to trial in heroics with these fine people this week! I really enjoyed the fun run normal with them! Y’all should def join this guild!


We can lure in shamans. Now we need to put out rogue bait.

What if we just had more friends?

i like friends! grats on 3/12M, friends!

We like killing bosses and what not.

hate killing trash tho :eyes:

And the trash isn’t even dropping goodies. I want a shield.

Shad’har does Wednesday : D

Shinies from a puppy. Sounds like a plan to me!

Come join us!

I couldn’t think of a witty message, but if you wanna come and get stuff done. Hit up mini or mae.

Heroic today; join the raid or the streams!