[H][US][Area 52] <Functional> 9/10 M SoD, CE CN T/W/TH 9-11:30 EST

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Hey Lash, please feel free to reach out to mini or myself, i dont see a way to contact you in your thread :frowning:

Beams of doom, doo doo do doo.

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Queen is fun!

on the bump train!

I also bump things on trains.

That sounds… dangerous.

Come have fun with us!

come to heroic with us tonight!

Or big keys!

still looking for 8.3 fam! come join us :slight_smile:

very fam
much fam
always fam

I read farm for a minute there.

nope! such fam.

Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays :slight_smile:

All I want for Christmas is you; assuming you’re big dam.

or into things like M+ and PVP and shenanigans!!

so many keys.

I couldn’t open my presents. Lacked a rogue.

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always looking for more friends!

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