Mythic Mischief is currently recruiting for our raid team. We are a mature group of raiders who look to have fun while also clearing content. Most of our group is 30+. Our raid times are currently 7-9:30PM Central Sunday and Monday. We are 6/12 Mythic Nyalotha and looking to progress as far as we can until shadowlands hits. We are in need of a healer, a ranged DPS other than hunter and Death Knight DPS. We do offer lots of non raid events like mythic plus, all tank raids. raffles and leveling contest. Please contact Castlegreyskull#0327 (Discord) GM if you are interested. We look forward to hearing from you!
Our links:
Our page is
Our raid guidelines:
Attaching a few of our videos so you can see our group
Kill Video from Mythic Xanesh:
Drunk Raid night clips: (This is not the normal raid but a drunk flip flop ( Everyone played a role they normally don’t play. raid night, we did this as a fun night)