<Hurt Feelings> Weekend Raiding Guild Recruiting

Hurt Feelings is a newly formed weekend raiding guild of experienced raiders. Leadership has raiding experience dating back to Vanilla and end-game Raid/Guild Leading experience dating back to Wrath of the Lich King. Our goal is to clear content in a relaxed atmosphere. We want everyone from the nostalgic like us, to those playing it for the very first time to experience and enjoy this game. We want to provide the structure and stability to clear content while everyone provides the good times and memories to come.

Raid Times: Friday and Saturday 10PM – 1AM Server Time

We intend to use a Loot Council that relies heavily on Thatsmybis. We feel this provides the best structure for distributing loot in a fair, transparent, and individual raider driven manner. Our intent is to have the Loot Council make very few decisions as the individual raider-created Prioritized Wishlist and Loot History should be sufficient for most item drops.

Current Needs: Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Hunter.

With the state of the game things are seemingly always in flux so we can take other classes or groups of players and make it work.

Discord Contact Info: Skorian#6920 Xilit#4246 Bubblybrew#0816