Huokan community getting ridiculous

oh dear lol

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Problem is most people think since Cata that Trade Chat shouldn’t be used for Trade but used as Barrens Chat 2.0

Only because it is more stable then BitCoin

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Only thing I don’t agree with is a US number. Plenty of people on US servers play in different countries and zul’jin is half Canadian. The server is east cost and I believe close to Toronto and other parts of Quebec. I’m not Canadian but that would bar out half of trade if not more from using it on this server. Other servers have folks from all around the world on em so it wouldn’t help all too much.

An authenticator and sms protect yes just like the LFG but I have heard it causes some issues with people that use like boost mobile or straight talk (idk how true that is but I have heard of it).

Latest expac though eh it could do good but even then it could create issues but who knows. Never been done in wow so hard to say what would happen.

I invest in shiba Inu :smiley: It’s even more unstable than Bitcoin right now.

I think bnet option to convert gold to bnet balance was during legion.

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Ah ok that may be where I thought legion then.

That I’m not sure. The phone numbers are easy to spoof (look at LFG they require an auth and all that and they are still going like crazy). So I don’t think the telephone number thing would help. Auth maybe for a little while then it will wind up like LFG. The having the expansion thing may work but it’s honestly very hard to say.

Where there is a will there is a way to bypass and creating restrictions like that hurts the player base in the long run cause people that know how to get around it will still get around it, yet your normal run of the mill player will have issues just trying to find a group / talk in a chat channel.

That’s like I liked the idea of an auth for the LFG but ultimately it was worked around and other folks had issues based on their carriers and SMS protect among other things. Cause to get an auth you need a phone / telephone number.

Gold carries are super popular for a lot of the player base not having time to do higher content like before.
If they want to spend their money from working hard on game carries, why not. I would just recommend getting an addon to block that sort of thing from your chat and report the RMT sales if you see those.

We have went over that already earlier in the thread. Don’t mind people boosting it’s the obnoxious amount of spam.

You shouldn’t need external addons to block something inside the game that right click report should hide for you but it caps at 15+ reported characters (it’s that bad on my server). Plus they bypass the filters after a while so person is right back where they started.

And I’m not against boosts, people can spend their gold however they want to but the spam is extremely ridiculous

Idk if that will display correctly if not go up to it. That’s what zul’jin + area 52 looks like.

There are also advertisers multiboxing to bypass filters, use scripts to advertise, and to bypass the ignore function. Sure could leave /2 but when it gets filled up they go to /1.


Reason they spam the same message is there’s a few of them with several characters spread accross several accounts that use software to blurt out the same message. Houkan got busted for using software before in a reddit post where their script was linked and was told it was “tos safe” in Nov of last year.

One of my earlier posts goes into detail about how I discovered this.

(it is quite a bit to read sorry I’m a typer LOL).


It was automation and this was I think right before the multiboxing software ban… I think it was august I believe of 2020.

reddit .com/r/CompetitiveWoW/comments/icglew/houkan_boosting_community_banned/

(I can’t post links fully but you can remove the space before the .com to read the whole thing).

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In their TOS accounts made for the sole purpose of advertising can be shut down.

“Accounts that are used for the primary purpose of advertising may be closed.”


dang, i figured there would be a few sinophobes in the itt but this is just disgusting, how is this thread even still up? scrolling through some of these posts makes me feel nauseous…

I had to google what a “sinophobe” is and I’m super confused on what you mean by that statement. Aside from the one post that was an obvious troll, which posts are you referring to?

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So what is the constant advertising of Boost sales by them doing to you in Trade Chat . What are you trying to sale in Trade that they are preventing you from doing . Or are they interfering with your ability to use Trade Chat for what it was not meant to be but yet for some reason since Cata has become (Barrens Chat 2.0) ? Are you unable to sell something through trade because of it or is it preventing you from using Trade for political trolling ? Please tell us how it actually affects you.

If you had read one of my earlier posts, myself trying to sell stuff in trade chat was previously mentioned. I cannot type WTS because it’s blocked by an addon so I have to type crazy stuff to try to sell mounts, transmog, tomes, toys etc. I flat out gave up on it because it got so bad like other people posting in trade did.

I try to read what people are posting about with guild recruitment so I can forward friends if they are looking for a guild to people, or if I’m looking for a guild (which I’m not right now) I know what’s out there. I cannot read what other people post because the limit for the right click report spam is at a max 15 specific people before it caps off. Yes, it’s that bad on my server. (refer to a picture linked earlier up top).

Like I said in a previous post, 2 to 3 posts in general every 5 minutes or so is enough to get the point across, not 15 every minute bombarding you to the point you leave the channel or install something external just to use the chat in it’s functionality. That makes a person feel as though they can’t use a chat because it’s so littered with spam it’s unusable. Might as well rename trade to boost chat at this point, least on my realm.

And barrens 2.0 happens in our looking for group chat. Trust me that migrated over a while ago to the looking for group channel. It’s been like that since I joined the server back in Mists. Mind you, it isn’t as active now due to the slump in content, but it usually goes bonkers around raid releases. I just want to be able to use the channel without having to go through a crazy amount of spam in order to actually read what’s going on along with having to bypass addons. They go by so fast you can’t even read what people are asking. We have folks that ask questions about “where is x y and z location” or something of the sort like that.

I said earlier too I don’t mind some adverts in there. There are other groups that advert in trade and it’s maybe 1 or 2 ads every 5ish minutes. Nothing too crazy you know? Houkan it’s every chance they get, using multiple accounts / characters to bypass ignore, changing up wording to bypass addons and filters, using new accounts on new bnets so if it gets silenced they just keep on going and making you just want to up and leave trade chat when all you wanna do is try to sell some kind of transmog or w/e else. We used to have people that would post their materials in the trade chat cheaper than the AH, we don’t have that now. I used to sell trade goods and crafted items in trade chat. Can’t do that anymore on this realm.

So you asked and you received. You ASSUMED it was to troll. It wasn’t.

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That is not entirely correct. If bots are farming herbs, there is no way to know if those herbs on the AH are from regular farmers or bots. I mean they dont carry a product label.

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This is why we need Titanforged loot back in the world of warcraft. Trade chat is where players used to show off all their Titanforged Loot drops and make people cheer and scream with excitement at one another, but all it is now is a bunch of internet strangers with computer scripts who spam trade chat all day with automated soliciting for arena boosts, mystic raid boost, leveling boosts, trade skill boosts, and everything else that isnt fun about being in trade chat.



To a point. Only way to really tell is if you were out there farming and happened to notice them and remembered the name. But you’re right given that you didn’t see em and you just went to the ah to buy something. I meant it more along the lines of supply / demand type deal you know what I mean?

Interesting take…

Hmm, maybe. Most b0tted materials are sent to a central AH toon who is usually sitting on a bronto mount next to a mailbox somewhere.

Sure, there will always be people who try to rort the system in the most time economical way possible. If they can set one or more toons to automatically farm something while they are off away from home at work or whatever, it would probably seem an ideal situation.

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