Hunts not Triggering/Displaying on map in the Maw

I’ll go to the Maw and the mobs for the Hunts will be up (in this case, Death Elementals). However there is no incidator that an actual hunt is up on the map via an event marker. Additionally when I go to the area, I don’t have a progress bar pop up or anything. I’m effectively locked out.

Currently stuck on the quest “Stalking the Warrens” and unable to progress because of this. This is on a character that was level boosted to 70 and who later skipped the Shadowlands Campaign (which may be the root of the issue based off other reports I’m seeing? not 100%)

Someone on Wowhead recorded this as a workaround, however it did not work for me: “I traveled to multiple hunts on foot and had issues with seeing progress bars and quest objectives and even not being able to start the hunt itself in regards to Soul Eaters, I was able to brute force my way into the hunt by using the Animaflow Teleporter behind Ve’nari and traveling to The Beastwarrens which triggered the event (Not the smaller teleporter that takes you to Korthia). So to anyone having great difficulty with the hunts try the teleporter to the right of the Torghast portal. I will note I attempted this on two different characters with success, one was max rep with Ve’nari and the other was 4/6 but both had access to the hunts and also to the Animaflow Teleporter.”

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(post deleted by author)

Running into the same issue, using the teleporter did not work for me either.