Hunters unplayable in PvP - Am I wasting my time?

Feign can be resisted so sometimes it doesnt break their target on you. Supposed to have the trap out before feign as well.

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You shouldn’t need feign death to pvp as a hunter.

Maybe the cast sequence in combination with spamming the macro a few times (per original instructions) is basically the idea. Maybe it approximates spell-batching or some such…fudges things a little, one way or the other?

you obviously dont pvp as a hunter. shouldnt post with no idea how this idea works

God are you people serious?


Feign Death is not on GCD…

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from all the bugs to layering this game is completely busted and a waste of time at this point. probably the smartest thing to do is unsub and check back in a few months and hopefully they release fresh servers without all this nonsense.

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FD is vs AI
PvP has no AI in it…
this is the main problem in your arguement.
If you fall down, I know you’re not dead, and I’m not going to let you live, get it?
so don’t try using it.

…Are you trolling or do you just have no idea how FD works in pvp? lol

You’re from a pve server so I assume it’s the latter. FD isn’t meant to fool the other player, but it still has a mechanic where it’s supposed to make you exit combat in pvp.

I’ll just be glad when this is fixed so my friend stops complaining and hunters aren’t just gimped.

A lovely bonus will be all of this horrific spreading of misinformation and ignorance that is so INSANELY abundant when it comes to these types of topics.

Literally busted my gut laughing when some guy said “oh yeah just wait 4-5 seconds for it to work its magic.” jfc.


Yeah it’s pretty funny to see how many people plainly have no idea what they’re talking about, yet they post as if they know exactly how it works. It honestly makes no sense to me why they would comment when they’re clueless.


Just another place to try and appear relevant for some form of online attention. To go “I’m right, you’re wrong.” and garner some sliver of satisfaction from just being a literal donkey.

I mean we have a lot of tools, not the least of which being boar charge, intimidate, scattershot, and aspect of the cheetah

that being said it would be nice to get pvp value out of traps

It’s almost as if it’s now the year 2019, and people can test this out, record it, and post a video of the results on youtube…or, am I just dreaming of a future that doesn’t exist yet…

You don’t use FD to fake your death, you use FD to drop combat and cast traps (which requires you to be out of combat). Please don’t post nonsense if you have no clue what you’re talking about.


My guess is there’s some bug involved in the way they faked spell batching that’s making it difficult to register you out of combat for the fraction of a second you need to cast a trap while you’re being attacked.

There are definite bugs still in the mechanics of Classic vs. Vanilla. I was reading about arcane concentration for mages for example not working the way it should. IE: after patch 1.9 or something every tick of arcane missiles is supposed to have a chance to proc concentration, but currently it only procs on cast (I don’t have a higher enough level mage to know from experience, but that’s what I’ve read).

Why even be a Hunter when you can be a Mage and do more ST damage, do more AoE damage, level faster, have more useful abilities, all while being the best at PvE and PvP?

Every DPS that’s not a Mage right now is inferior.


Yeah, I get a feeling a lot of the issues are caused from them porting the game over to the legion engine. Just have to hope blizz is committed to continuing support for bug fixes in classic to make it as close to what vanilla was as possible.

That really only matters if you want to be top tier. I personally don’t like casters.

All you macro nerds conflating the point because of your baseless stigma toward the class as a whole. It was entirely possible to combat trap people without the use of a macro. I did not use a macro for combat trapping and would consistently be able to drawl out 1v3 or 1v4 fights long enough because of trapping so many people teammates could arrive to defend. It’s a bug. The “work around” to do it is not in any way ok or good or acceptable.

Flip this. Warriors no longer able to intercept in combat. Bet the world would explode if that happened. fk outta here with you’re braindead crap.