Hunters (the only pure DPS class left in the game) look terrible in p7

In full BIS, every hunter spec is performing well below average. Can we get Zirene to redo the sets? The current set designer is unfortunately really really bad.

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Imagine thinking like this still in 2025. For the millionth time this isn’t vanilla. You are more than welcome to go back to anniversary and play where warriors do 3x the damage of everyone else.

Cool so even more reason why hunters should be doing more damage since they are trash in anniversary.

Why would sod hunters want to play vanilla warrior? People don’t want all 4 specs literally bottom tier. It’s deeply disturbing that the strongest hunter spec is weaker than at least 1 spec of every single other class. Ranged hunters will now be forced to wreck their setup and playstyle to become a CoR bot if no melee hunter in raid.