Hunters Tame Oondasta and Horridon in 8.2

Video confirmation:


The only beast I really badly want is Guarm from trial of valor

I was so sad to see he is still unable to be tamed when BFA launched :confused:


Yas I wanna tame him too!

But hey Horridon and Oodanasta, that will be awesome.

legend level pet for zandalaris for sure :smiley:

lol @ how much the size has been shrunk when you tame it.


No one should have a Godzilla-sized pet.

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That’s not all that shrinks when you tame it.

And I’m referring to an ego.

Are these BM only pets? I want some cool dino models for my hunter but BM is my least favorite spec :frowning:

Oondasta is BM only, Horridon requires you to collect a tome from the Zandalari on the Isle of Giants

I highly disagree

-This post was made by the hunter community

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Oh man cool !

Good luck trying to tame Oondasta with all the mount collectors who still don’t have his mount. It’s going to take some luck and good timing to tame it.

Well Oodanasta is going to cause problems if you have people wanting to kill him farming for mounts. Hope people consider realm hopping to RP servers.

Still nice though :woman_shrugging:

I miss seeing all the dead bodies on the ground as everyone zerged the giant dino. Hopefully our hunters will try to recreate that experience by using the dino pet to slaughter everyone they see in warmode.

Pretty good breakdown of all the new pets in 8.2 here.

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The hardest worldboss of wow history, which was required 2 full raid groups, now just a pet for hunters…

Actually, if you could have Godzilla-sized demons, you might change your mind.

Back on Legion we had permanent Infernals and Doomguards.

They weren’t anywhere near a wild Oondasta’s size, but they were huge.

And their size caused a fair amount of trouble.

The idea of having a gigantic pet seems fun but if you had one you would soon realize how much trouble they would cause.

You know when people use items to turn gigantic and use gigantic mounts to obscure important stuff just to make people miserable?

A giant pet is like that but on steroids.

Usually if you have WM on, aleast in my server you don’t run into many people, so there’s one there. (I got Terrorpene and the cat from Nagrand so easily because of WM, and no one around)