Hunters stuck with crappy arrows/bullets

So im sat here wondering if hunters will be using terrible ammo through naxx and beyond? can we just either drop ammo altogether or at least have a new type to keep in check with the power boom?

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Go get doomshot if you want better ammo

this being the alternative instead of doing something exciting with ammo is lazy. i hope blizz incorporate new ammo in naxx +

Hunters don’t need better ammo. Doomshot is massively strong. Y’all are just lazy. If they made an equivalent that would be ok, but anything stronger than doomshot would be crazy.

wouldn’t be that crazy actually, especially moving forward into naxx. early sims are showing much bigger issues than them giving us 1-2 more damage on our ammo. And it’s more than just being lazy, you hit lockout while farming your bis ammo, its just annoying and outdated.

Hunter is simming at 17k threat per second. You don’t need better ammo. Again. Making an equivalent is fine. Make ammo that’s better will make hunter broken and require tune downs.

you’re fried if you think that ammo is the reason why hunter is simming that high. lmao.

It will only make it higher. Maybe don’t pick the class that has to farm ammo. It’s been that way for 2 decades. You knew what u signed up for. I bet non of y’all are even using doomshot anyways.

oh no a whole 50 dps higher! man oh man what ever will we do now that hunters have 50 more dps on their arrows.

classic =/= sod, they made plenty of qol changes to other classes already, they can do the same for ammo.

I still have to farm shards, also it’s way more than a 50 DPS upgrade. Adding 5 DPS to ammo is roughly a 200 DPS increase currently with 4pc AQ set

Just simmed doom vs thorium headed. It’s 6.4k vs 6.6k a 200 DPS increase

i mean you’re literally wrong, its as simple as pulling up this phase bis hunter, swapping out the ammo and seeing its roughly 50 dps.

either way, they should add new ammo in naxx or the scarlet raid.

Simmed it myself found out I’m correct and that you’re just lazy to farm doomshot. Maybe just have doomshot drop in naxx. Easy as that.

i mean you are QUITE LITERALLY wrong, but go off i guess.

Just sim it man. MM does 6.6k with doom and 6.4k with thorium.

i did sim it, it shows 44-60 dps difference on multiple scenarios, your sims are wrong. idk what to tell you.

I think ur cooked. Don’t know what to tell ya.

id just love to know how you’re getting a 200 dps difference, you’re messing something up completely. maybe you’re clicking the wrong arrow or something. cus doomshot is showing 6,650~ and thorium is still 6.6k.

but yea im cooked i guess. man sod players r awful at this 20 year old game.

Simming moving fights in naxx 6.6k vs 6.4k 8.4k stationary

uh huh… imma choose to stop talking to you cus my brain cells are collecting at the back door just waiting to leave.