Hunter's pet loyality level seem to be stuck

Currently experiencing this as well 60 cat has been on loyalty 2 for the last 6 days.

I have tried the following:

Putting the pet in the stable then using another pet then bringing it back out and nothing occurs.

Having it retrain it’s abilities. I have also tried using the pet without abilities over a 6 hour grinding session to no avail. I have also done it with it’s abilities learned to no avail.

Yes I have kept it fed.
Yes I have kept it happy.
No the mobs were not gray.

Pets are broken and they have an issue occurring with them.


This is what I discovered. On a boosted hunter, a tame pet’s loyalty would not change, as quote above. On another hunter toon of mine, that isn’t a boosted toon, I tamed the same pet, in the same place, and the pet’s loyalty increased like it supposed to. A boosted hunter and non boosted hunter BOTH tame the same pet, from the same spot. Wont work for the boosted toon but will work for the non boosted toon. Blizz, the service you sold me is broke. FIX IT.


My pets are disappearing too.
I have a ticket and blizzard just says “I searched the forums and no one seems to be reporting on the issue you’re having…” I link stuff like this and blizzard just said not enough people reporting the issue so we can’t help you until there is.

My broken tooth from the beginning of classic is just gone. His loyalty was 6 and he was green.

This is happening to me as well. Boosted lvl 60 Hunter, trained a Frostsaber from Winterspring and spent all day yesterday feeding it and farming skinning against green mobs. At the end of the day, the cat literally ran away from me. So today, I went back and got another 60 Frostsaber. Have done the same thing all day and its still Loyalty 1, Rebellious. Glad I found this thread bc this is incredibly frustrating (loyalty system is already incredibly annoying). Blizzard PLEASE respond and fix this bug. Semi-good news is that the Ravager I get from Hellfire tomorrow should be good to go since it seems this issue may be happening because we can’t level anymore as 60’s, which won’t be an issue tomorrow.

Update to this! It was clearly a bug!!! Once TBC launch, I went right into Ramparts and just one run my pet went from Level 1 to 3 Loyal. 2nd Ramparts run 3 to 5. This took under 40 mins to do. Prior I spent 10 hours+ killing mobs and questing and was stuck. It seems in Classic some hunters will get a bug with there pet due to your toon unable to gain xp so the pet can’t.

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This explains a lot. I boosted a hunter and having major issues with the pet.

Beta and PTR just gives the illusion blizzard works on stuff. But in actuality, they don’t.

Same here only pet that has rank 6 loyalty is the one that was boosted all others have gained 0 loyalty no matter how many mobs I kill. 2 bears have already ran away and just tamed a ravager pretty sure it will be gone soon as well.

Just tamed a new Owl in Nagrand. It’s been a few hours of playing with him well fed etc. and nothing. Still level 1.

Edit: He finally went to level 2 after logging out for the night and back the next day, about 3+ hours of killing things, so it does work, but did seem to be hung for a while. Usual behavior is/was ~20 min of ‘well fed’ questing and they rank up.

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Idk if anyone is still interested in an answer or not, but when this happened back in the day the fix was to make sure you tame a pet lower level than you so that it can gain xp.

I was going through this earlier today till I remembered this exact problem back then after I tamed a ravager at 61 that hours later had gone nowhere in loyalty. Tamed one that was 60 and the problem went away.

By the time it reached 61 it had already hit level 3 loyalty, hope this helps.

go check if you can do the pet quest from the original quest givers… i had a bug on my boosted rogue for poisions i had to do the quest chain to get them to work properly.

I’m level 70, non-boosted. I tamed a level 6 scorpid and have been solo and group killing with him at a moderate pace for several hours. He’s now level 27 and still Loyalty 1 Rebellious.

There is no response from Blizzard because there is no bug. The issue has nothing to do with whether or not you are using a boosted character. It has everything to do with Blizzard’s annoying and confusing original pet loyalty system. Let me explain:

A hunter pet will not gain experience if it is the same level as you are. If you are level 60 and tame a level 60 pet, it will neither gain experience or loyalty until you are level 61. This is not a bug, this is by design.

I went to Wintespring at 60 to farm leather and tamed a 60 cat. When the new pet didn’t gain loyalty, I googled the issue, thinking, like everyone else, it must be a bug. I found this thread and read the comments. THEN I started thinking back to my Vanilla/TBC hunter days and began remembering how it worked. I abandoned the 60 cat, tamed a 59, and continued to farm level 57-60 mobs. The cat gained experience, and after I had gained at least 5% experience and an unknown amount of time had passed operating with the new pet (it seemed to be roughly an hour), the cat visibly “dinged” to Loyalty Level 2. When the cat leveled to 60 shortly thereafter, it ceased gaining experience because it had caught my level. It will begin again as soon as my hunter reaches 61, very shortly.

To summarize, this is NOT a bug. Tame a pet a level lower than your hunter’s, and it will gain both experience and loyalty. If you’ve tamed a pet way below your level tange, it will not gain loyalty until you use it while killing mobs for which YOU get experience for, or would get, if you are max level. Then you must gain, or would gain if max level, 5% of that level’s experience requirement and an undisclosed amount of time (1-2 hours with pet active) has passed before a loyalty level is gained by your pet. I hope this clears things up.

Edit: 15 minutes and 2 Hellfire quests later, my hunter is 61, pet has gained Loyalty Level 3, and has begun to earn experience again.


Thank you for this post.

This is for lvl 70, with a lvl 70 pet starting at Loyalty Level 1 (Newly tamed ravagers). I did some experimenting recently and here is what I discovered. I’ve tested this with a couple of different pets now in SLAB boost and I am pretty sure it’s accurate as during my experiments while running a stop watch, I was only off by a few seconds as to when the loyalty level would increase.

First, you can get loyatly from your pet, even if it is the same level as you. Even at lvl 70. There are 2 requirements. XP and Time.

While we don’t gain XP at level 70 and if your pet is level 70, it doesn’t gain XP either, but there it is still tracked as if you are leveling from 70 to 71. To level from 70 to 71 it takes approximately 1,232,000 xp. To meet the XP requirement for each level of loyalty, your would need to earn 5% of that amount which is around 61,600 xp for each loyalty level. Important, the XP can only come from killing mobs.

The second factor is time. Each loyalty level takes an increasing amount of time with your pet being active and fully fed. Here is the basic rundown showing XP and time.

From Loyalty Level 1 to 2 it takes 61,600 xp (no time requirement)
From Loyalty Level 2 to 3 it takes 61,600 xp and 30 minutes with pet active and fully fed.
From Loyalty Level 3 to 4 it takes 61,600 xp and 45 minutes with pet active and fully fed.
From Loyalty Level 4 to 5 it takes 61,600 xp and 60 minutes with pet active and fully fed.
From Loyalty Level 5 to 6 it takes 61,600 xp and 90 minutes with pet active and fully fed.

You are able to “pre-load” the XP and as soon as you meet the time requirment the loyalty level will increase. This is why sometimes you get an increase in loyalty level while standing around at the auction house doing nothing.

While my experimenting was with lvl 70, at any level if you know how much XP it takes for you to get to the next level and calculate 5% of that, you can figure out the XP requirement part of Loyalty. The only remaining factor would be time.


I am a level 66 hunter and tamed Sian-Rotam(60). I have killed boatloads of mob and he has not gained any loyalty he is still rebellious. He has gained 29742k xp but no loyalty.

One year old, still an issue with the ghost saber in classic era wow. WOW. Obviously not boosted and first figurine, well fed, happy and easily twice the time any other pet has taken to get to loyalty 2 and nothing. Will try logging for awhile, and maybe letting it die to see what happens after respawn, but you’d think after a year there would be some traction on this, it’s not a rare pet or anything difficult to acquire. I can’t imagine if this had been Broken Tooth or another one that is highly prized and or contested to get.

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