Hunters need pet spec swapping returned and those derpy new fish frog things need to be tameable

+1 to going back to being able to change pet specs and use whatever ones we’d like. :+1:

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Counter point so blizzard actually fixes it: the pet leech thing affects other classes too and it’s dumb af. It’s not just hunters- so you should fix it blizz!

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This would be nice.

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I wish BM hunter has all 3; extra hp, speed buff and leech, while all hunters can respec their pets.

I also want Hati Appearance Swapper to be a toy and useable by all BM Hunters.

This. All the damage they’ve done to the game in the name of “level YOUR way!” only to gut this feature just feels confused and counterproductive. They have no idea what they’re doing.


This thread sums it up. RIP Fluffy.

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Hunter pets are already the best form of class customization in the game by not even close.

How about we brin the other classes up to that level before we give hunters more?

Unlike locks who just get their pets, hunters actually have to find, camp and tame them. Locks just go to the barber. And hunters are not asking for customization of pets here, we just want our ability back to swap our pet abilities. it was TAKEN AWAY from us.


That doesn’t address the other 11 classes that should be brought up to the hunter level before hunters get more.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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They really just need to untie lust from the pets and make it a hunter button. Both for the sake of using whatever pet family you want, and so lone wolf marksman doesn’t have to dink around with using a pet for bosses.

that’s so cool, this is a hunter specific thread which changes doesn’t limit other classes to get what they want and to start their own threads about their pets. Hope that helps you sleep.

Lust should be hunters baseline skill and the leech buff passive should be all pets baseline ability.

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But hunters do not exist in a vacuum.

If quantity of customization options were damage output, everyone would be demanding hunter nerfs, as they’d be the most broken class in the history of the game.

Just bring everyone else up to the level that hunters already are at before giving them more.

it’s weird that you think hunters being able to get back their ability to swap their pet family ability is an attack to the warlock class.


I don’t.

I want all classes to have the same level of customization that hunters currently do.

pls calm down becky you can make your own lock thread lmao. this guy.

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Not asking for much really, just to make the Crawler Mines from SoO (all difficulties) be tamable by hunters.

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You make that sound like a chore.

Do you not enjoy hunting them down, given you are a hunter?

Personally, I would like to go back to the old way where I personally enslaved my minions. It was more satisfying :smiling_imp: .

So I tried this but a rather pushy goblin would not give me any more minions.

She would let me play dress-up with them but would not give them to me.

Apparently, I need to study Demonology in order to be trusted with more minions.

I would be disappointed but none of them could compete with my Doggo.

But even if she had been willing to give me more, it would have still only been 10, whereas my hunter friend can tame way more than 10 different species (not that she does, she only does cats).

It… is?

Are you not specced into Aspect of the Beast?