Hunters lost their class identity with Legion when Blizzard changed focus to spec identity (probably as a way to purge abilities). They have admitted that spec-identity wasn’t successful, but somehow they keep trying to push that design philosophy for the Hunter class.
What they really need is an entirely new class for the Ranger fantasy.
As it stands, they are still trying to create too many play-styles with three specs.
Pet Dependent Hunter (BM)
Archer (MM)
Trapper with a Pet (M SV)
Ranger - Hybrid Melee/Ranged (M SV again)
Ranged SV (MM again)
They could solve a lot of problems if they stop worrying about spec identity and ADD a Ranger class:
Hybrid Melee/Ranged Spec
Tank Spec so people stop asking for it (we don’t need another identity for Hunters)
Melee with a Pet Spec
They are trying to undo spec identity, but they are trying to keep spec identity at the same time. That’s why the returning class-wide abilities don’t make sense. They really need to create a Ranger class and stop trying to squeeze everything into the Hunter Class. They’re just watering down the class so much that it doesn’t feel good to anybody.
Before all the MSV Hunters get up in arms, look at what’s happening in SL. You’re losing your identity too. They’re trying to squeeze class identity into your spec. Wouldn’t it be better to have a class that is designed with its own class identity, one that doesn’t share its identity with a class with so much history?
A new class would solve a lot of problems. When I played roguelike games a couple decades ago, I almost always played a Ranger. I would roll one now if it were an option in WOW. I won’t play MSV though. Every time I see that spec, I feel like I’ve been stabbed in the heart.
I think you misunderstood. I’m suggesting that Blizzard make a Melee class with those three specs so Hunters can be Ranged again. I’m suggesting two classes:
Hunter - BM, RSV, MM
Ranger - Melee with Pet, Tank, Hybrid
They are putting too many identities in our Class and watering it down in the process.
No, no class needs 5 specs.
I see a lot of options for new specs in other classes, such a ranged holy dps spec for pallies for example since their currently isnt one in the game. Or giving DH a third spec thats ranged similar to the diablo DH.
I would have liked to have seen outlaw rogues be ranged.
Ranged physical dps classes are lacking.
The suggestion isn’t for more specs though. It is for a new class, which is what Blizzard should have done a long time ago instead of butchering Hunters. Make a new class that has an archer spec with no pet and a melee spec with pet. Then remove Lone Wolf from Hunters and bring back ranged SV. Bam, Hunters have their class identity back and people can go roll the new class if they want petless ranger or melee beast master.
I still dont agree.
We have enough classes at this point, we dont need more than are basically retreads of existing.
We need to fix the ones we have and find some balance before thinking on entirely new classes.
People have been calling for Bards and such forever, but i just dont see it at this point.
What a defeatist attitude. WoW has gotten three new classes since it began, but only now do we have enough? If Blizzard is butchering already existing classes just to make room for new playstyles, then obviously we need new classes that they should instead be put in.
If Blizzard isn’t going to introduce new classes for these new playstyles, then they at least shouldn’t butcher the ones that already exist in order to replace them with these new playstyles.
Totally agree. That’s the issue. They are trying to cram 5 specs into 3 so it’s watering down everything. Ranged SV is gone. Melee SV is confused and doesn’t fit the class identity. MM is now an Archer. There are persistent calls to make one a tank spec. Holy cow. It’s crazy.
If they are going back to class identity, melee survival doesn’t fit the class at all. Nothing demonstrates this fact like the new hunter class abilities. I don’t think they realize it, but they have not abandoned spec identity for hunters. If they want a melee hunter, and a ranger, and a tank, they need a new class.
There is plenty of room for a new “Ranger” class. It would keep them from watering down the hunter so much.
Well, adding Ranger as a melee+melee/ranged hybrid spec could be interesting. It even sounds like an addition Blizz might make, being melee and all… Hell, the way things have gone, I half expect patch 10.0 to convert demonolgy, disc, or arcane to some sort of melee thing.
It wouldn’t surprise me, but I’d prefer if blizz did something at range… This game is soo melee heavy now, and the melee is soo insanely mobile these days.
Ranged specs/classes need a little something and it would be cool if Blizz added a new ranged class next.
Two classes use ranged weapons and somehow it is “something we already have with a different label”? I suppose that makes Paladins and Warriors the same, as well as Mages and Warlocks. Why did Blizzard introduce Death Knights when we already had Warriors? Death Knights are just Warriors with different labels, right?
That said, if you don’t want a new class, then just have Blizzard add new specs to Hunter while bringing back ranged SV. That would be the best of both worlds.
Melee hunter has proven it doesn’t even have broad enough appeal to justify a spec, let alone an entire class.
Enough. Melee. Classes.
Simply revert SV and be done with this madness.
And another thing. The game has never got a new ranged class. 15 freaking years and we actually lost one ranged spec.
Any new class, ranger / tinker / necromancer / whatever, should be 100% ranged. Ranged players have been patient enough and we deserve nice things too.
I would love a ranged hunter spec like how sango is from inuyasha, mix of pet and huge thrown weapon like boomerang. Ranged, with a thrown weapon and still had pet.